Thursday, April 30, 2020

Joe's Compact Chaos Company - April - Minotaurs (208 points)

I did fear that I might be on my way to the field of bones this month. I haven't had the weeks of enforced idleness that some have had (thank goodness, as I'm self employed) and I've been teaching the kids most days too, but I did manage to take this evening off and bash these lads out at the eleventh hour.

3 Minotaurs with light armour and double handed weapons @56 points each and a standard for 40 points.

The standard bearer is a relatively recent Bob Olley that I got from Forlorn Hope, the other two are old Citadel. I did a couple of weapon swaps to replace broken parts. To add height to the middle one I stood him on a skull from a kids' anatomical model from a magazine.

I'm blown away by the standard of the entries- some absolutely gorgeous armies taking shape! Keep safe everyone, keep going with your armies and give Nurgle the swerve...


  1. "with some bovine perspiration on her upper lip area"... F. Zappa. Nice group of mad cows there!

    1. Cheers! Definitely some symptoms of spongiform encephalopathy...

  2. You did those at the last minute?!!? Gaak! I sooo cannot paint that fast. Great unit!

    1. It was a whole evening from about 8 until the wee hours, fuelled by coffee and podcasts, but yes, they went quickly. Wish all projects went so easily!

  3. Awesome work at the last minute! I fell in love with Minotaurs during last years' OWAC, including the chap in the middle - yours looks much meaner, mine looks very bovine indeed. Lovely stuff as ever :)

  4. Lovely job. The turquoise is a good choice!

  5. Great looking unit. I always loved the sculpt in the middle, I need more for my chaos army but they are so hard to find at a reasonable price.

  6. Fantastic job all around. That banner is amazing and really adds a lot of character.


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