Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Adrian's orcs - June (37.5 points)

-Home, smelly home.

 The last month of the challenge. Some people like to end with a grand finale. But eh, I checked the boxes and I was only left with some spare orcs that couldn't finish a single row. 

Instead, I decided to take it easy and build a comfy tent where the warboss will rest after all the pillaging and (watching in a strategic back position how his minions do) hard work. I made a simple design with cardboar and layers of paper + watered glue. 

After the main structure was ready, I started to add lots of spare bits from the box. The story behind my band of pillagers revolves around a raiding clan that has terrorized the southern part of the empire, Estalia, and the lands of the sea elves and dwarves accross the tilean coast. I painted some of the desecrated banners based on the designs of the 3rd ed. army book.

-This counts as two grudges in my book.

Lastly, there is no good vacation without hunting some beast and making a barbecue. What's better for hunting than a big a** spear chukka, instead of a javelin or a flimsy orc bow.

The (black) goblin Spear Chukka 
[37.5 points] 

I had this contraption sitting on my table from way back I started to collect the army and I really wanted to paint it at some point. This month I had nothing left, so it was the perfect opportunity to get it done and try some of the fluor paints in the process. 

With the scenery piece and the additional war machine, the army is complete. See you in the wrap up post.

Adrian's out!


  1. Cool idea for a tent and well executed!

  2. That's a perfect finale if you ask me! Love the addition of the undies on the washing line! :D

  3. The flags are awesome too! I didn't notice the undies until Paul said - they're a great touch!

  4. Simply perfect terrain piece! And I like the spear chukka so much!

  5. Nice fun way to sign off 😆 love it!


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