Tuesday, December 15, 2020

AdamH’s OWAC IV Intro Post – This time it’s gribbly!

Here I find myself once again, staring into the maw of madness (i.e. unpainted lead) only this time the challenge has some new elements, the most obvious for those of you following along for the last few years is the expansion into the 41st millennium.

Personally, I never got on with 40k as much as I did fantasy, I enjoyed the game but that was all it really was to me, a game. The factions all seemed a little boring and the narrative never gripped me as much as fantasy did. That said I have some great memories of playing against friends so I would still like to reengage with it as I have done with fantasy via the challenge. Plus, my partner in crime/painting Sam is back again this year and he is also taking to the future so I guess he needs an opponent.

Like I think almost every child getting into 40k ‘back in the day’, I picked Space Marines as my force of choice, however as an adult I quite fancied taking on some of the other choices, and a friend of mine growing up had a Tyranid army that I also coveted. As it turns out when he was going through his childhood crap… erm memories a few years back he found some of his old ‘nids and donated them to me. They sat in a box in their 20+ year old painted state until the end of the last challenge, where rumours started being passed around that next year we may be forging into the future for the challenge. In anticipation of such a change I started buying up the additional models I would need to complete the army and stripping them all as they arrived, which brings us to now, and to this:

What we have here is my ambitious hive fleet for the challenge, which for those of you unfamiliar with the army breaks down as such:






Hive Tyranid (164)

Barbed Strangler (31) Bonesword (6) Lash Whip (9)



Lictor (96)





Tyranid Warrior Brood (55)

Venom Cannon (33)



Tyranid Warrior Brood (55)

Barbed Strangler (24)



Termagant Brood (6)




Termagant Brood (6)

Spike Rifle (1)



Termagant Brood (6)

Strangleweb (6)



Gargoyle Brood (16)





Carnifex (199)






The keen eyed amongst you will see the corruption of the image to the right, what could that be? A sight rarely seen on the shores of the UK and pretty uncommon even at the time of 2nd edition. This is something I’m hoping to tackle in either my wild-card month, or perhaps during the joker if I need one.

So next my mind turned towards paint schemes, I knew I wanted to do a jungle-world invasion for no reason at all, definitely not because the jungles contain many tasty Sly Stallone type morsels to eat. My first idea was to go with very bright, vibrant rainbow colours so I picked out some suitable airbrush paints:

And went to work:

Hmm… that didn’t really work, it didn’t give me the feel I was looking for, but I did like some of the transitions/gradients so I tried again but this time focusing on up/down gradient transitions:

Better, although still not right. They kind of looked like vaporwave ‘nids. I tried manually painting some of the armour to see if that did anything:

It did, it made me hate them even more.

At this point I was considering a last minute change to another army, something easier that I could hit a good scheme on early but in one last ditch attempt I tried painting the scheme from the 2nd edition Tyranid book. Normally I don’t like copying the book scheme but I was running out of ideas:

And you know what, I didn’t hate it. It wasn’t what I had in mind when planning the army but I tried putting the model against some of the basing material I am going to use and I think it looked suitably vibrant, so it looks like I am going to go with this.

Incidentally, this first model of the army is also going to be my tribute to the overlord, so he will be based along with the first month’s group and sent into the warp to the grim north in the new year.

So there we have it, as always I hope you enjoy following along with me and the rest of the challengers this year. Best of luck to everyone taking part and Sam, prepare yourself, the unsatiable hunger of the Tyranids are coming for you…


  1. I like some of the more colourful ones, although you nailed that "beige cuirasse". You could probably experiment using blues or pinks but with the beige on top.

    And thanks for the little guy!

  2. Is that a Malefactor I spy with my little eye?

  3. That screamer killer though!
    Good luck with the paint!

  4. I've been there with Tyranids: wall to wall test models as I try to find a way of making them look like My Very Own. Not sure what it is about them but they seem to defy me every time, the cheeky little scuttlers.

    Will you be keeping that red/chitin tone across the army or going for the full-on rainbow vomit approach?


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