Sunday, December 27, 2020

PaulD / Golgfag1's initial Faultling steps

Hello All,

Following the call for volunteers for this years challenge my original intention was to paint additions to my Slann /Lizardmen army,

However, following a painting test over December and a trip to the attic! I've decided to change my plan slightly to a selection of Citadel, C series, Amazonians and a selection of female pilgrims of various manufacture to add to my collection for the Shrine or Rigg scenario from the second Citadel compendium.

As I've left this change of heart to the last couple of weeks in December here's a selection of stuff I 've to paint in no particular relevance, as I've still to point them up and get them into some sort of order as a selection are taking a bath, and depending on how successful that turns out to be, things may change further as the challenge progresses. Details to follow.

 First up, a selection of Citadel archers and nobles, to expend my existing units. 

Here's a couple of pictures of my existing units to give you an idea of what I'm hoping to achieve.

With these girls, I'm not going for subdued colours as their trained to stand up for themselves - so these patterns and colours are intended to grab you by the eye sockets and shake!

Next up priestesses and initiates, the colours of the hoods and headdresses are intended to depict their knowledge and authority.

To protect the Sisterhood a few bodyguard.

Most religions have their hard-line religious zealots and the worship of Rigg is no different - the Koka-Kalim, devouts armed with selection of high-tech weaponry - power-sword and boltguns.


Any religious establishment will also have its pilgrims, for these I'm using a selection of manufacturers and races because religion usually cuts across those types of social boundaries

As mentioned previously, I've not yet formalised this latest proposal so things are rather fluid at the moment, so I might add extra figures or a little something to spice up the line-up - chariots.

As for my offering to join this merry dance - a space marine carrying a missile launcher, which recently turned up amongst an E-bay purchase, which I've splashed a touch of paint over.




  1. Awesome - brilliant colours! Good luck with the whole shebang!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, it certainly will be a colourful project.

  2. Very cool, thats quite a unique force!

    1. Here's hoping I can do it justice, never been one to conform or run with the pack!

  3. If all fantasy armies were like this, I might be induced to actually play!

    1. It's fantasy, it can be anything you want it to be and these girls may prove a handful, given the right leader?

  4. Those chariots are brilliant! Great to see more Amazons being painted up - there's always plenty of room in the Shrine of Rigg ;)

    Nice selection of pilgrims too - I've been amassing a small collection of suitable candidates from other manufacturers myself and hadn't considered the Celtos range. There's some good looking Elves from the God of Battles range at Foundry too next time we're there - if you hadn't spotted them already!

    1. I find the new Foundry stuff a little too big, next to the original 'C' series Amazons, hence I've not included them in the mix.

  5. Laser shooting amazons plus valkyries and nymphs - very cool and varied (but cohesive) army. It just has to work! Good luck!.

    1. Why wouldn't you want laser-pistol packing fanatics if you could have them?


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