Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Mariano´s Wood Elves - Glade raiders - Heavy cavalry I (264 points)

 Rank and File month #IV

A happy month after a couple of difficult ones!!!

This unit, and the its twin one (not painted yet), has been one of my main objetive for this OWAC. I really love the models but they are closer to high elves to the wood elves this is why I did many tests before I start to paint them until I was convinced of the paint scheme. I would like to show the tests but, I don´t know how, I have deleted all them... 

[Wait, I found them. Later you can see I painted them with a mix of the tests]

What can I show you, and I´m very proud of, is my kids painting the base color of the horses!!
If they like it I have plenty models on stock!!

And now, with the "help" of my kids, I´ll be able to fiish my original list...

What have I done this month...?

6 x Glade riders (light armour + lances + music + stardard bearer)                                        Total: 264
Total points: 874

Time to show you some pics... hope you like them.

The forth month is over, with no mullingan for me, and I see the end of the tunnel, what else can ask to life an OWAC participant??

For the next month I want to finish two units in order to complete my list, difficult but not impossible...

See you next month!!!!


  1. Fantastic entry! My preferred unit by far since the beginning of this OWAC!

  2. Lovely unit! Keep it going for the Wood Elves!

  3. Holy moley, they certainly pack a punch (both visually and elite unit-wise!)
    How much did you offer the kids to pose like that?🙃
    In all seriousness, that's a lovely moment to capture - especially as part of the OWAC :)

  4. These are fantastic! You really are pushing the limits and getting the most from these miniatures. That colouring on the armour is incredible as always.

  5. That entry is off the chart in my eye! The metallics are so well defined and the feathers really get a fluffy effect from the layering and the brush strokes. Overall, excellent techniques for an awedime final result! Keep up the good work.

  6. Absolutely beautiful. Some of the best old school elves I've ever seen.

    Excellent work by the kids too ;)

  7. Just loving those blended greens


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