Thursday, December 8, 2022

Filippo's Introduction - Epic Armageddon delirium

I was THRILLED when our glorious Overlord allowed all the Specialist Games, because they are  awesome! Epic, Battlefleet Gothic, Man'o War, Gorkamorka, Necromunda, Mordheim, Bloodbowl.. I cannot decide which one I love the most!

But then indecision strucked

I wanted to paint the entire box for Battlemaster, my very first miniature games from Citadel. Great game, great miniatures, but not something I could really enjoy with my friends.

Battlefleet gothic? The Imperial Navy's fleet will have to wait..

Man’o War? Not enough models..

Then I remembered of an old project I started a long time ago but never finished for Epic Armageddon, the Siege of Vraks!

A little bit of lore:

In 2007 Forgeworld released the fifth Imperial Armour Volume, first of a trilogy, about a new campaign set on the planet Vraks.

In this campaign, the force of the Imperium were trying to recapture the fortress world of Vraks, an immense fortification fallen to the force of Chaos.

And it was GLORIOUS! To sum it up, it was a version of WWI but with steroids mixed with cocaine and warp dust: millions of Krieg's guardsmen digging trenches and trying to break the defensive lines with thousands of artillery battery and charges across no-man's land

If you haven't read it, go to the Wiki and take a look, it's worth the time.

The first volume is an intense war of attrition, but it's in the second volume that things start to get messy, when the Vraksian renegades are joyned by the Chaos Space Marines.

The turning point is the Assault of Mortuary Ridge. Here's the extract

"In Sector 558-470, the 468th regiment of the 46th Line Lorps, holding the Korps' right flank found itself faced with a difficult tactical situation. Their sector of the front faced a low ridge, with their frontline running along a shallow valley, overlooked by enemy positions. It was obviously not the place to dig-in for long, exposing the forward companies to plunging fire. Their choice was either to pull back out of range but then leave a large no-man’s land which would eventually have to be re-crossed, or to press on and attempt to gain the ridge and wrestle control from the enemy.

The 88th Army command urged the 468th regiment to move forward and gain a foothold. From this sector there were a series of low ridges running roughly south-eastwards, and each in turn would require capturing as they provided the enemy with the best firing and observation positions for kilometres in every direction. An assault was ordered up the ridge which the guardsmen, with their typical macabre sensibilities, titled ‘Mortuary Ridge’.

Unable to commit to a full-scale, set- piece regimental attack, the focus of the assault would be on a smaller, closer fight with limited objectives. For now the 468th would not seek to drive deep into the enemy lines, only to force the enemy off the immediate higher ground above them. In order to prevent enemy reinforcements from reaching the battlefield, the regiments on either side would be required to launch their own diversionary assaults, to keep pressure up and prevent enemy troops re-deploying.

 The attack would be carried out along a 4 kilometre front, with five companies committed to the battle in the first wave, and a further two in reserve. On the left flank a further two companies of the 468th Regiment would be conducting the supporting attack. After previous battles none of these units were at full strength, several were even below half strength. The time for the attack was set for 078.823.M41, with tanks of the 72nd Company moving up to aid the main effort just before the off. Of the 72nd company, only four Leman Russ were available for action, but further armoured support had been requested. The key to the attack would be the artillery support. The entire regimental artillery strength was in place for the attack, much of it designated to firing a box barrage to further isolate the area from reinforcements. In all 360 guns would be firing, but many were low on ammunition and in a dubious state of repair after constant use in recent weeks, with worn barrels and failing recuperation pistons a common fault, causing inaccuracy in many of the heavier weapons.

Following the preliminary bombardment, mortars would lay a smoke screen before the men and tanks attacked up the bare slopes of the ridge. As they advanced, supporting heavy weapons, such as autocannons and heavy stubbers, would fire a stream of rounds high over their heads to plunge down upon enemy positions to the rear, with the aim of suppressing enemy heavy weapons positions.

The enemy position atop the ridge line was a strong one. A front line of trenches was backed up by a solid defence line that incorporated numerous pillbox positions for heavy weapons. As well as dug-out shelters below, there were hardened bunkers in the line and razorwire, tank traps and minefields in no-man's land. To the left of the assault area was a concentration of defences and firing positions designated as Fort C-585, and another strongpoint in the line called the ‘Mortuary Redoubt’. On the rear slope of the ridge were enemy artillery positions, ready to fire a counter-barrage into no-man’s land.

In the line stood the 468th regiment’s 31st, 33rd, 53rd, 54th and 68th infantry companies. 31st company had the task of clearing the Mortuary Redoubt whilst the 54th faced the daunting task of attacking Fort C-585. Their attack would be supported by the available tanks, including two Macharius heavy tanks released from their reserve companies to help deal with the strongpoint.

The attack time was set at 078823.M41 and in the hours beforehand the forward trenches began to fill up with the assault platoons. Extra grenades and ammunition were issued and a final roll call taken by the quartermasters as the grim figures prepared themselves to follow in the attack’s wake and recover any equipment they could.

On 077.823.M41 the opening bombardment began. Overhead the sky shrieked with the passage of out-going shells and behind them came the bass rumble of the massive bombard shells as they climbed high and plunged down on the enemy bunkers and pillboxes. Looking out over the lip of a trench through his periscope Captain Fodor, commanding the 54th company, watched as his objective was shrouded in flames, smoke and dust. The barrage crashed across the enemy’s defences, rolling like thunder as it moved forward over the rear positions, churning the ground and casting boulders high into the air. The almighty bombardment continued as the forward mortar squads opened fire, flinging smoke shell after smoke shell into no-man’s land. All watched as the clouds thickened into a dense blanket that mingled with the dust to form a cloying grey smog. It was time to go. Sergeants barked the orders to advance and hob-nailed marching boots scrambled up the ladders to the parapet and out into no-man’s land. Hunched figures could be seen advancing at a steady pace until they vanished from sight into the smoke. Tank engines roared into life and they churned forward alongside the infantry.

As the guardsmen advanced, the artillery fell silent and the enemy’s own guns opened fire. From the rear it was impossible to see what was happening in the smoke. On the right flank 33rd Company had pressed forward the furthest, advancing beyond the Mortuary Redoubt but were now caught under a lashing crossfire of Heavy Bolter and Stubber rounds from their left. Men were seeking cover in shell holes, the company commander was already dead, killed in the initial salvoes. The 31st Company was pressing towards the dangerous redoubt, but again was taking concentrated fire. Soon enemy mortar shells began to land, including incendiary rounds that burst in bright orange and yellow explosions, scattering oxy-phosphorous gel which burned through clothing and skin. It was accurate pre-sight fire and the 31st company’s leading platoons were soon forced to go to ground. In the centre of the attack 52nd Company was fairing little better, but its lead platoons were still trying to move forward as rounds whipped overhead, crawling on their bellies towards the enemy trenches. The 54th Company was facing the imposing fort and here the artillery had hit in its heaviest concentrations. The ground was littered with deep craters and one of the Leman Russ tanks had already become bogged. The tank was immobilised, but had become a pillbox, firing shell after shell from its battle cannon up the slope at the fort. The infantrymen pressed around the tanks for cover and crept forwards at a slow pace. As they emerged from the white smoke cloud, the enemy were waiting. Pillboxes and bunkers were soon blazing a withering fire. The supporting tanks weaved a path through the craters to return fire. The first Macharius was repeatedly hit, bullets and laser blasts ricocheting wildly off its hull and turret as it returned a suppressing fire from its twin battle cannons, flaying the trenches with high explosives and shrapnel. The second Macharius attempted to find a route forwards but enemy heavy artillery shell landed close by. The force of the explosion tore its right hand tracks away, leaving the armoured behemoth immobilised in no-man’s land. The armour wasn’t faring well on the churned ground. A second Leman Russ was destroyed by a mine, its crew tumbling from the smoking wreck only to be cut down in turn by heavy stubber fire.

On the left flank of the assault, 65th company was climbing the steepest part of the ridge and it was slow going under intense enemy mortar fire. Behind the attacking companies, the two reserve companies moved into the front trenches to await their turn to advance into the maelstrom. Behind them a company of Deathriders was moving up and awaiting a chance to exploit any breakthrough.

All day the battle raged. Artillery rounds shrieked and screamed, crashing and thundering as both sides matched the other’s bombardments with counter¬battery fire. In the centre the 53rd had successfully reached the enemy trenches and were now clearing with grenades and bayonet. It seemed here the enemy had fallen back into their strongpoints. More platoons were being pushed forward to reinforce the first success against the inevitable counter¬attack. They needed more men and heavy weapons if they were to hold what they had captured. A field artillery battery of quad launchers was ordered across no-man’s land to set up in support but was caught in a barrage as it moved up, destroying all its Centaur carriers and leaving the guns scattered and abandoned.

The enemy counter-attacked, launching infantry from the cover of the second defence line in a human wave. Roaring and screaming they charged through the defensive lasgun fire, leaping into the trenches. In a swirling chaotic mêlée men were screaming, fighting with swords, axes, bayonets and their bare hands. Somewhere in the mêlée the company’s commander had been impaled through the chest and lay dying. Those Krieg guardsmen that did not fall back were killed or captured and the trench was soon back in enemy hands again.

At Fort C-585 Captain Fodor crouched in cover behind the still smoking wreckage of a Macharius heavy tank, trying to direct his forward platoons and identify enemy positions as targets for his own mortars. The smoke screen had lifted but dust still lay thick over the battlefield and the sky had darkened rapidly, threatening one of Vraks’ torrential downpours. A stray bullet ricocheted off the tank and hit his helmet, knocking him off balance - but he was otherwise uninjured. Recovering himself, the Captain watched as the remaining Macharius scored a direct hit on an enemy bunker, blasting the reinforced ferrocrete into dust and breaching its walls. The tank jolted forward again, heavy bolters rattling out a stream of shells as the crew inside worked to reload both barrels for the next shot.

Fodor waved his leading squads on and rose from his cover, his command squad at his heels. Pulling his laspistol from his holster he beckoned his men onwards, leading by example. Inch by inch, crater by crater they were closing in on their objective. Soon his squads were hurling grenades into the enemy firing pits and trenches. Within their bunkers and pillboxes the enemy still held out. Fodor raced for cover, sliding into a shallow crater where five Krieg guardsmen already lay dead, bodies torn to shreds by shrapnel. He was close to his objective. With just a few more squads he could carry his attack home and take the strongpoint. Calling for his vox-operator he saw his aide flung into the air, his leg severed after stepping on a mine. Fodor crawled to the wounded man, who lay groaning, blood from the stump of his leg pooling in the mud about him. The captain hauled the vox-caster from his back and called for assistance. Send in the second wave to support him now and the objective would fall, he urged his commanders.

As Fodor battled for his life in no-man’s land, the ferocity of the initial artillery exchange slackened as the gunners found their natural rhythm. Back in the Krieg trenches the second wave platoons were still organising themselves and issuing extra equipment when they received the urgent order to attack. Men scrambled to their feet as the Watchmasters roused them to action and they piled over the parapets and out across the fire-raked ground of no-man’s land.

A few of Fodor’s men had reached Fort C-585. Hunkering down in the enemy trenches and guarding their flanks, they were the furthest forward of the attack which was now stalling, like so many before, in the killing ground of no-man’s land under withering fire.

The second wave scurried across the wasteland as a ragged grey tide, crouching low against the continued artillery explosions that still erupted about them. The attacking platoons raced onwards, disregarding the men who stumbled and fell, plucked from their midst by well-aimed enemy fire. They soon overran Fodor’s position and raced on to attack Fort C-585, bayonets fixed. Many died as they charged home, but many more leapt down into the enemy trenches or over their sandbags, thrusting and slashing with their long glittering sword bayonets, driving the enemy back. Laspistol still in hand, Fodor himself led the attack against one bunker. Already breached by the Macharius’ shells, Fodor could see enemy figures still holding out inside. He gathered the men around him and led them towards the objective, crouching in an enemy trench he worked his way along it, pistol in hand. He instructed those behind to throw grenades around each corner and down into each dug-out they passed. When he was in range he called forward a squad flamethrower to blast the bunker’s breach, then he ordered everybody else to follow him and charge the breach.

The flamer roared as its bright orange jet of promethium gushed over the bunker, burning and smoking fiercely. A second blast arched through the breach and ignited all inside. Immediately, Fodor jumped up and rushed the blazing breach, running headlong through the flames, emptying his laspistol as he stormed into the bunker's smoke-filled interior. His men followed and quickly overwhelmed the few enemy inside, killing them all in hand-to- hand combat. During the fight a stray bullet struck the captain through the wrist, forcing him to abandon his sidearm. In pain, bleeding, blackened and charred from the smoke and flames, Fodor organised the defence of the captured bunker, refusing to retire despite his wound.

The first of Fort C-585's bunkers had fallen to the assault and the others would soon follow, each after a similarly furious attack. As reinforcements arrived, the surviving Macharius tank rolled into position creating a new bulwark for the fortress. The 54th company had captured their objective and now it seemed they had the strength to hold it.

Attacks further along the line had met with little success and most had been forced to ground in the craters and shell holes. As news of 54th Company's success spread, the stalled attacks resumed. With 54th company now clearing trenches ahead, the weight of enemy fire had slackened. Soon the 52nd and 31st Companies also reported they had achieved their objectives for the day. The first defences of Mortuary Ridge had been captured."


The best part comes immediately after, when Khorne's Berzerk plunge into the lines from orbit on a full scale Dreadclaws assault

"Riding the Lightning

As the 468th regiment’s attacking companies were seizing their objectives so the darkening storm broke, shattering the skies with flashes of lightning and rolling peals of thunder. The dark sulphurous clouds deluged the battlefield in a blinding monsoon that quickly turned the planet's volcanic dust into sticky grey mud. As the short but violent storm lashed down, the Dreadclaw assault pods and larger landing craft from the Anarchy’s Heart, now in orbit high above, plunged down onto Vraks.

The launch bays of the Chaos Battleships unleashed their terrible cargo and the gunners turned their weapons upon Vraks below. In trenches and dug-outs across the Van Meersland Wastes, the guardsmen felt the awesome power of the battleship’s guns. The orbital bombard that presaged the arrival of the assault force exploded with an earthshaking roar on the already tortured landscape. The air crackled and fizzed with the impact of lance batteries, in places scorching the rock to black glass with the intensity of their heat. Macro-cannon shells tore great holes in the planet’s surface, the splintering crash of each round rending the rocks and leaving a thick layer of cordite and dust. The siege regiments had no response to the firepower raining on them from above. No counter-battery fire could suppress this enemy. Trenches were destroyed in single hits, heavy artillery guns were flipped like a child’s toy, left smashed beyond repair. Krieg guardsmen scurried for cover as the tempest landed upon them.

Captain Fodor watched the bombardment from his captured, half- ruined bunker, his wounded hand stuffed inside his greatcoat, leaking a red stain across his chest. He saw a great yellow streak of flame race across the stormy sky as a huge shell tore through the atmosphere and streaked earthwards. The distant explosion raised a towering mushroom cloud before the reverberating crash of its detonation reached him. All around fire was falling from the skies. His own trench line at the base of Mortuary Ridge took a direct hit and he felt the shock wave buffet the bunker like an earthquake as it rolled over him.

More lightning split the skies as the drop pods fell, each trailing a fiery comet's tail as it burned into the atmosphere, thrusters driving each towards its target. The sky was full of falling assault pods, plunging through the rainstorm, riding the lightning down onto Vraks. The Chaos forces crashed down onto the planet, each pod springing open to release a horde of baying, bloodthirsty, blasphemous servants of the dark gods. 

The orbital bombardment ceased as the assault forces landed. Most had aimed their attack at the frontlines around the inner defence lines. Bands of Khorne Berserkers from the Skulltakers, World Eaters and Berserkers of Skallathrax now roamed the trench lines, attacking with divinely inspired fury wherever they encountered the enemy. This was no frontal assault across no-man’s land and the Krieg defences were not prepared for such a sudden attack. They had very little in the way of anti¬aircraft defences, and each regiment’s main strength was at the front. Suddenly artillery positions were being overrun and important supply trenches were lost to the enemy. Command dug-outs were attacked and turned into gore-filled carnal houses by the blazing bolt pistols and chain axes of Khorne’s psychopathic warriors. Chaos and confusion reigned, just as the Lord of Slaughter willed it. The set piece battles of their carefully organised trench warfare could not help the Krieg guardsmen who found themselves suddenly beset from all sides. Reports of attacks were coming in from distant sectors, long thought to be beyond the enemy’s reach.

At Fort C-585 Captain Fodor and his men were suddenly attacked by the crimson armoured traitors of a Skulltakers warband. Each was an enraged, unholy killer with an insatiable lust for blood. The Chaos Space Marines raced from their assault pods and were soon clearing the trenches in savage close combat, piling the bodies of the slain Krieg guardsmen as they advanced. It was a desperate close combat, but the Krieg guardsmen stood little chance. Their opponents were no longer the weak flesh and breakable will of mere men, but Space Marines driven by the power of their insane gods. They were unstoppable, tearing Krieg squads apart in a welter of slaughter. Captain Fodor attempted to rally his troops, but many were already falling back across no-man’s land. He saw the Macharius heavy tank firing its heavy bolters as the Traitor legionnaires climbed up its sides and onto the turret. The hatches were torn open and the crew were dragged out screaming. One massive Khornate champion lifted the tank commander clear from the turret, dangling the commander’s struggling body by a single hand. It inspected the feeble mortal before a slash of his blood- soaked chain axe decapitated him. The body was thrown aside, blood running in rivulets from the corpse. The champion roared his triumph to the skies then jumped from the turret in a single mighty power-armoured leap and raced on in search of his next victim.

All around him Fodor’s men were shooting from the battle-scarred bunker’s remaining firing slits. Now it was the Captain’s turn to grimly defend the bunker as the enemy closed in. The first Traitor Space Marine to leap into the breach was annihilated by a meltagun blast at point-blank range that turned it and its armour into a charred and smoking slag pile but more soon followed. Fodor's men dived for cover as a grenade detonated inside, the ringing blast stunning them. Another grenade exploded, then another, filling the bunker with blinding smoke. Through the smoke the enemy charged, axes held high, their spinning blades spraying blood. With his uninjured hand Fodor drew his sword and lunged at the first enemy. His thrust was parried aside, the enemy’s sweeping chainaxe shattering his blade. The traitor battered him aside, dipping his shoulder and barging into the Captain, sending him dazed and sprawling across the floor. The enemy followed their leader in and soon the bunker was overrun. The corpses of the defenders lay torn and shredded, their severed heads gathered into a gore-soaked pile. The floor was slick with blood which dripped from the walls. Dazed and wounded, Fodor crawled through the gore in search of an exit, but was suddenly plucked from the ground by a powerful grip. Barely conscious he was lifted from his feet, dangling limply he saw the steaming face grill of a red armoured helmet, a baleful light glowing behind its visor. The helmet was blood splattered and bore the engravings of many unholy runes. The power armoured grip tightened around his neck and he began to choke as the Traitor Marine’s chain axe spluttered into life. One swift blow added the Captain’s head to the gathering pile.

The attack of the Skulltakers saw the 468th Regiment thrown back down Mortuary Ridge. The sudden planetary landing had swept them aside and restored the front lines."


But, as you probably know, 28mm Forgeworld's miniature are not exactly cheap, so it remained a dream.

Eight years after, I stumbled across a huge group of Epic Armageddon players. Long story short, I fell in love (again) with the game and started hoarding lots of 6mm miniatures.


And the dream became reality..

For who doesn't know about Epic Armageddon, it's the fourth edition of a small scale game from GW (previously Adeptus Titanicus, Space Marine and then Epic 40k)

It's made for big battles, where infanties are made by companies of hundreds of models and tanks hunts in packs. Also, TITANS!

Each army is usually composed by core units (the backbone of the army) and a number of support units (usually 3) for each core units.

Each Core Units may have some upgrades (additional units, transports, support tanks..)

You can add up to a third of your points in Allies, WarEngines or Planes

Each stand is composed by a different number of stands, and each stand usually has between 3 and 7 models on it, but five is the best. This means that an Infantry Company of twenty stands has 100 models.

Even if GW stopped producing the game, it thrived with the help of the community, with lots of updates to the rules and the army lists, and many manufacturers started releasing new miniatures for the game and other that made perfect copies in small scale of the GW’s releases (“I can’t say”)

4000 thousand words and I still haven’t show you anything…


Not one, not two, but THREE Epic Armies! Plus a 60x240cm board! It’s true, some models are already painted, but.. oh well you’ll see..

The first one is a 4000 points Krieg army, mainly composed by huge Infantry and artillery companies.

Death Korps of Krieg Companies

0–1 Regimental HQ

One Supreme Commander unit and nineteen Infantry units


Fire Support Battery

Add six Fire Support units


Infantry Platoon

Add Ten Death Korps Infantry Units


Infantry Company

One Commander unit and nineteen Infantry units


Gorgon Siege Transporters

Add two Gorgons


Heavy Tank

Add one Macharius


Infantry Company

One Commander unit and nineteen Infantry units


Gorgon Siege Transporters

Add two Gorgons


Heavy Tank

Add one Macharius


0–1 Death Rider Company

Twelve Death Riders


Death Korps of Krieg Support Formations

Artillery Support Company

Nine Earthshaker Platforms and nine of the following: Gun Emplacements, Trojans


Grenadiers Platoon

Eight Grenadiers


Eight Centaurs


Grenadiers Platoon

Eight Grenadiers


Eight Centaurs


Light Support Battery

Four Heavy Mortars + 4 Centaurs


Light Support Battery

Four Quad Launchers + 4 Centaurs


Engineers Platoon

Eight Death Korps Engineer units and a Hades Breaching Drill



This army is a mix of 3D printed models (Gorgons, artillery and Macharius) and Vanguards models (all the rest)

What I’ve already done..

..the rest..


The second is a 3000 points Vraksian Renegades Army

Vraksian Renegades Companies

Regimental HQ Platoon

One Vraksian Supreme Commander unit and twelve Imperial Guard Infantry units.


Fire Support Squad

Four Fire Support units


Ogryn Berserkers

Three Ogryn Berserker units


Infantry Platoon

One Vraksian Commander unit and twelve Imperial Guard Infantry units.


Fire Support Squad

Four Fire Support units



One Hydra


Infantry Platoon

One Vraksian Commander unit and twelve Imperial Guard Infantry units.


Fire Support Squad

Four Fire Support units



One Hydra


Vraksian Renegades Support Formations

Tank Hunter Squadron

Three Valdor Tank Hunters


0-1 Deathstrike Squadron

Two Deathstrike Missile Launchers


Heavy Artillery Squadron

Three Minotaur Artillery Tanks


Heavy Artillery Squadron

Three Minotaur Artillery Tanks


Armoured Fist Platoon

Ten Imperial Guard  Infantry units, five Chimeras and one Salamander Command Vehicle


Sentinel Squadron

Four Sentinels



This models are 3D printed, from Vanguard and some original GW models. It’s almost all painted (and there are some units that won’t be part of the army)

Ready to fight!

Almost ready to fight.. (I forgot the Hydras!)


Last but not least, falling from orbit with an axe in both hands and rage in their minds, the Khorne Berzerkers! 1000 points consisting in:

Khorne Berzerkers

World Eaters Berzerker Retinue

One World Eaters Skull Lord character, four World
Eaters Legionaires Units, and four Khorne Berzerker


Assault Walkers

two World Eater Dreadnoughts



Formation replaces all transport options with Dreadclaws


World Eaters Berzerker Retinue

One World Eaters Skull Lord character, four World
Eaters Legionaires Units, and four Khorne Berzerker


Assault Walkers

two World Eater Dreadnoughts



Formation replaces all transport options with Dreadclaws


Devastation Class Cruiser



These are Forumware models (and multiparts too!) Let’s not talk about it. As before, there are some models that won’t be part of the main army.


Now.. the board.

It will be narrow and long, with a set of trenches on one side (already completed), a 60x60cm’s land, the ridge and part of the fortifications on the other end.

The picture shows what I have done already

..not much tbh


Usually, Epic is played with list of 3k points. I cannot use the knorne army as it is, so here are a bunch of models (some really old) that will be part of the “real” list. I’m not showing them because I’m not sure I’ll survive.

So much violence in such a small box

How many models I must paint?

For Krieg there are 16 small tanks, 9 Earthshakers (with 3 crewmen each and ammo crates), 7 small artillery pieces (2 crewmen each), 6 support squads (2 crewman each), 11 horse units (33 horses) and 93 infantry stands (5 men each)

The renegades are JUST 34 infantry stands, 12 support squads (3 crewmen), three ogryns stands (3 each) and 2 Hydras

Khorne is much smaller, 16 berzerkers stands (5 each), 4 dreadnoughts and 2 dreadclaws (the Cruiser is not really fielded on the battlefield)

Total of 874 models..

And a game board..

For the offering, a plague bearer! Hopefully it will please our Glorious Overlord and His love for the horror


  1. 874 models sounds like a herculean task, even at that size. Best of luck- it's going to look amazing.

  2. Vraksian campaign was awesome with so much effort given into a grand scale of the whole combat, perfect for an epic themed force. Good luck with that ton of stands.

  3. This is going to be brilliant and look stunning if you can pull it off. Best of luck!

  4. An incredible project, and a really cool and detailed intro post. I like seeing people's thoughts as they put together things like this. Can't wait to see them all lined up.

  5. Wow! The scale of your gargantuan project is simply... Epic. As fits the theme. Best of luck! when painted it will look absolutely awesome. Good luck!

  6. Epic is certainly the word for this project! Good luck! :)


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