Sunday, December 11, 2022

Paul D's preliminary post

After last years struggles

I'm painting lesser demons this year, lot's of lesser demons, with the plan of using a standard colour palette and no objective, other than paint and hope to see something beautiful happens!

The models are standard GW figures from various eras of manufacture, as my pockets aren't so deep as to be able to afford the originals, it's also the case that I prefer the models you see above as the best representation of what their porporting to be.

They'll be joining my initial endeavours in building a demonic army, so expect something similar to what you see below.

The general idea is for a mixed bag of demons/models (Chaos undivided) serving a common theme. Hence, the Deamonette wallowing in Nurgle's mire, or a brood of Bloodletters wading through the mire with foul gore dripping from their blades.

 All mixed into one harmonious gathering of chaos! I've no leaders or elites planned, but I sure something will happen over the coming months, which I hope develops into interesting project over the course of the challenge.

My offering this year, an old ghost/wright from a bygone era. Now on with the journey.


  1. Wow! I love demonettes (and demons) Especially looking forward to seeing the mounted ones. Since monsters count for leader month, maybe they could be your leaders!

  2. Thanks, I'm already taken the matter of monsters / leaders in hand, so don't foresee a problem. Especially, as I'm expecting to go under the knife early in the new year for a hip replacement, which gives me six weeks of R&R (painting) before I start the physio, joy!

  3. Nice colour scheme there - especially effective on those bloodletters. Good luck with the hip surgery - my friend recently had his dinner and he said it has changed his life (for the better!).
    'Enjoy' the recovery period!

    1. Thanks, the colour scheme will change as the project progresses as I'm looking for a multi-coloured, grab you by the eyes and shake you, force! Hopefully my brush work will be the unifying factor, time will tell!
      I'm hoping the surgery will do the same for me.

  4. Lovely to see the figures being painted in alternative/non traditional schemes. Long may it continue. Best of luck with the surgery too!

  5. Great choice of models, also my favourite renditions of these lesser demons. Cool and unusual colour scheme. Looking forward to seeing more and best of luck!

  6. Great to have you back! I know you found the Nippon army a slog but we all loved it and the colours were fantastic. This choice of army promises even more colour!

    Very best of luck with the hip surgery - the 6 weeks of painting based R&R sounds good though!


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