Monday, June 5, 2023

Chris Pridmore's Wildcard Month - The Eternity of Iron

Chaos Dreadnought = 135pts

This model came to me in a woeful state, and took a fair bit of restoration. For example, the hips had to be rebuilt with plastic rod, and the flail needed replacing entirely. Like so many of it's contemporaries, this dread was missing the central spike at the top, so I replaced it with a mace head - perhaps that was the occupant's favored weapon when he walked amongst the living. Paint-wise, I tried to keep it looking brutish and functional, with a few nods to models from previous month.


  1. It looks great due to your hard work!

  2. Great work painting and fixing the dreadnought and the base looks amazing!

  3. Fantastic restoration, Chris! Your Chaos Dreadnought looks formidable. Great job, keep it up!

  4. Wonderful work bringing this back to life. Looks fantastic!

  5. Wayhey! What a classic - great job on restoring him, and bringing him back to life with that paintjob 👊

  6. Lovely restoration project. I note the colours on the tubing are a throw back to earlier months. Nice job on the basing too!


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