Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Nathan’s wrap up post

Ah the satisfaction of the wrap up post which represents another successful OWAC. I really am thankful to Iannick for running these as it has given my motivation to paint up figures which I have had sitting around for years - decades in some cases. Anyway here is my wrap up pic which includes two teams I had painted up before the challenge:

A very serious pose…

I also finished off three big guys for my Mongrel Horde team which completed it:

Finally here are a couple of pics from a game I had between the Darkside Cowboys and the Champions of Death which the latter won 3-2:


  1. Go team Bloodbowl! They look great!

  2. Congratulations! On the completed OWAC that is, maybe not the result for the Cowboys! ;p

  3. I hadn't really appreciated how many minis "just a few Bloodbowl teams" turns out to be until you see them on a pitch all at once! Great job :)

  4. Congrats on cruising the finish line with a bang - big guys ftw. 👊

  5. Excellent paint on these classic figures. My favourite here are the Spyrers, but the glasses of those Delaques is brilliant!. Top job 💪 Congratulations!

  6. Awesome to see them in game! Great looking teams! Congratulations!

  7. Congrats on finishing an awesome project with beatifully old school teams + massive respect for staying true to the astrogranite origins

  8. Congratulations! Excellent project and glad to see you finished it.


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