Sunday, December 24, 2023

Chris' Chaos Renegades - Intro Post

Since completing the chaos dwarfs during 2023 I decided to finish the last of my old school chaos army in 2024 and then try not to buy any more - I'll let you know how I get on!

The army consists of the following units

20 Chaos warriors with standard

20 Chaos warriors

20 Chaos cultists

10 Chaos thug cavalry

10  Chaos centaurs

Unusual command group consisting of, 4 cultists with war alter, beastmen with war altar, 2 chaos trolls and a chaos giant

20 Chaos Warriors Hand weapons, heavy armour, shields, unit standard1554
20 Chaos Warriors Hand weapons, heavy armour, shields1480
20 Chaos cultists, including lvl 15 heroHand Weapon, light armour, standard, musician227
10 Thug HorseHand weapon, light armour, shields, spears, unit standard209
10 Chaos Centaurs, lead by level 15 herohand weapons, light armour, shields590
2 Chaos trollsHand weapons130
1 giantHand Weapon250
1 Beastman war altar - 2 guardsHand weapons66
1 Chaos war altar- 4 guardsHand weapons82

The points values for the warriors are basically ridiculous but at least I have another 2 units already painted!


  1. That's an impressive collection of Chaos Warriors, and I'm always happy to see those Redemptionist disciples in an army. Is this going to be an unaligned / mixed army?

  2. Now that is a pile of lead! Best of luck!

  3. These are going to be stunning, I'm excited!

  4. Beautiful mix of old and new. Anxious to see them painted.

  5. I play the armoured big ones only as chaos thugs, artilery is your undoing

  6. Wow! Looking forward to seeing those thug calvary models with some paint - good luck with the horde!

  7. Impressive army! I like the 2 big chaos warriors units. The cavalry squads look pretty good, i didn't know much about warmonger miniatures.

  8. Impressive chaos warrior collection, and love to see those war altars. Where do the chaos trolls come from by the way?

  9. Two war altars plus some chaotic cavalry? You are spoiling us with this one!


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