Sunday, February 11, 2024

Nathan’s Dark Elf crossbows - rank and file month (222 points)

One month down and only five to go. For month one I did a unit of dark elf crossbows with command. I did eleven figures including the three command figures even though the pics show 13 figures all up. The extra two were test pieces I did last year. Points values for the figures I painted are:

- Level 5 champion with crossbow, light armor and shield, 54 points 

- Standard bearer with light armor, crossbow and shield, 28 points

- Musician with light armor, crossbow and shield, 28 points

- 8 troopers with light armor, crossbow and shield, 112 points

Total = 222 points

Anyway here they are:

Command figures (and that great Dave Andrew’s art as a backdrop)

10 crossbowmen

And my painted up figure as the price of the challenge

In February I’m doing some more rank and file figures plus a couple of cold one riders to break things up a bit. Already made good progress on them which I’ve found is the key to completing the challenge - if you can get to the end of March without using your free month it is easy from there. And my plan is not to use the free month…


  1. Classic Dark Elves in classic Dark Elf Purple, nice start :)

  2. Excellent first month. Those miniatures and that box bring back so many memories for me. Great work.

  3. Lovely start with a classic unit - I'm looking forward to the cold ones (they're my favourite dark elf Thing). Great job!

  4. I love your choice of models. A solid and very promising start for the project

  5. +1 for use of the classic Fantasy Regiments plastic Dark Elves. Such an old school looking unit, I love it! :D

  6. Great to see these getting painted up! Nice start to the project!


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