Friday, March 8, 2024

Byron's Hippy Wardancers - Rank and File Month (260 Points)


My offering for this month is 10 Wardancers and a Wardancer Champion. I have continued to persevere with the cheap $5 craft paint set. The previous strategy of basically painting random colors continues. As long as I maintain certain consistent material colors like red for wood, tawny for leather, and silver for metal, the results seem pretty good. I am happy with the result. 

I have included more pictures below. I've rotated the minis to show off their flowers. 

Center in the picture below is Eroluin Woodleaf (another name from the wood elf name generator I made). The wardancer on the left is a grenadier wood elf character. 

A bit about the sculpting process

I've included some pictures I took during the sculpting process to highlight the effort that went into adding flowers, vests, and bellbottom pants to the troupe. 

Next month: more archers
I have to meet the minimum unit requirements for the escalation league I am playing in, and that means more archers. 


  1. Flower Power!! These fairies will kick your ass !

  2. Really interesting to see what you have done with these as I am painting the same sculpts for my Rank and File Month 3, but yours are extra hippy! Good work getting these results out of the craft paints.

  3. War Flower Power dancing its way to victory. Awesome sculpting work.

  4. I love those green stuff additions. Especially the vests transform the miniatures into instant hippies

  5. Still mega impressed with what you've managed to achieve with some low pigment craft paints. Great job.

  6. Lovely work with the green stuff. And you're working wonders with those paints!

  7. It doesn't look any less crazy, but I remain impressed by how good it looks! The resculpted hippy threads and flower additions are top notch.

  8. bananas! They're looking fantastic 🌸💮🪷🌺🌼


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