Monday, April 1, 2024

Chris' Chaos Army - Month 3 - Chaos Warriors - 1480 points

Honestly the points value is ridiculous, not sure how much better they really are than Dwarf Hammerers in 3rd edition.  Never mind - I still like them.  It's been a good painting month, despite a lull in the middle.  I have two units of warriors and decided to paint the second one next month.

And from the front.........

I have a few that were painted before and will have about 70 chaos warriors on foot by the time next month's set are finished.  They might come in useful - you never know!

Here is everything painted so far.

And with next month's painting challenge.

Happy painting!


  1. Not often do you see chaos warriors going horde. As much as I would love to see 70 warriors on the gaming table I would also love to see the opposition as those warriors are enough rank and file for a 15000 points game!

  2. That is one hell of a block of Chaos Warriors. Awesome mix of miniatures.

  3. Lovely mix of different ages of classic Chaos. I see a few old friends in there!

  4. What a solido block!!! It is cool how your army is growing

  5. Niiiiice! Great choice of models, and they manage to look like one unit while being individually unique!

  6. Crazy points values aside, this is still an impressive hunk of heavy infantry! Impressive and intimidating!


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