Saturday, August 3, 2024

James WRR’s Wrap Up: An Army Worthy of Slaanesh

The number of Slaanesh is six, and sixfold his blessings. An army in his name has been raised in six months, and it will stand for six-thousand!

The Emperor’s Children stride, strut and slither to war eternal!

That’s it! OWAC VII officially in the bag.

I’d like to thank my friends back in Australia for initiating me into the world of Warhammer all those years ago, my comrades in the challenge for their support and gifts, eBay sellers for putting models up on the site, and my long-suffering partner for putting up with me for these past six months. We did it! 
Mighty, Dark-Winged, Avenging Lord of Chaos, James Rudd, with his Mighty Avenging Chaos Army.
Taking part in this challenge has been so much so fun. From list-building to lore-crafting and eBay-scouring to model-painting, these past six months have reignited my love for this hobby. It’s gotten me inspired for all manner of kooky future projects. And it’s made me insufferable to my local gaming group who, for some reason, INSIST on playing games written within the past decade. Tut, tut.

Oscar speeches aside, I’m truly so happy to have completed my first ever OWAC. It’s been a challenge at times, a real hit to my wallet and slightly maddening (why did I decide each element of my models needed six layers of edge highlighting?), but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

I’ve ended up with, I like to think, a fantastic and unique army of charming miniatures. But I’ve also ended up in a cool group of like-minded Oldhammer fanatics who’ve provided no end of support and inspiration.

I’d particularly like to shout out Tom, Graeme, and Jaakko, who’ve been nothing but generous, with both models, info and encouragement. And also to John R for the awesome Space Dwarf adventurer.

I had originally prepared a short list of my absolute favourite projects from this year's OWAC, but there have been so many amazing armies created over these months it just stopped making sense as a highlights list. Instead, I implore you to take one of your free evenings and scroll back through all of this year's posts. It'll be time well spent, I promise you that!

The very last addition to my own OWAC project is a simple display board, made from a cheap box frame, a few layers of foam board, and plenty of sand and flock.

I’ve tried to balance the classic early-90’s “Planet Golf Course” aesthetic with more modern sensibilities. People on Instagram and Reddit always love the alien cacti I use to frame my model shots, so I made sure to add some here as well.
I hope you’ll agree that this board frames the whole army nicely, even if there’s not all that much real-estate to spare for each model. It had to fit in pride of place at the top of my Ikea Kallax shelves!

Better yet, the board itself is also ideal for games of Ritual28, once I move my hoard of freaky space dudes off of it.
Well, that’s that! Thanks all again for following along with this wild ride. I’m still trying to feel out whether or not I take part in next year’s challenge. I do have a whole Tzeentchian army for Warhammer Fantasy Third Edition in boxes now… we’ll just have to wait and see, I suppose.

In any case, chuck me a follow on Instagram (@illuminator_hobby) and hopefully I can catch some of you at events in the future.

Take it sleazy, OWAC. It’s been real!


  1. You had an amazing project with very high quality painting and carefully thought out colour palettes and it was an absolute pleasure to follow it. It's great to have you with us!

    1. Thank you mate! I really appreciate that. It's been a great experience all together. Looking forward to next year!

  2. A spectacular achievement and a force to be exceptionally proud of. Every time I look at them some new detail catches my eye. Your photography has been consistently excellent too and shows them off beautifully.

    1. Thank you so much! That means a lot. Glad to hear you're having fun exploring all the details

  3. Such a cracking, chaotic army painted to the highest standard. The display board is the cherry on an absolutely delicious looking cake! Congratulations!!

  4. Wow - there is so much glorious detail to enjoy here, I could spend days looking through the photos! Delightful colouring and perfect execution. Bravo!

    1. Thank you!! It's my pleasure to share something that people feel they can really take their time looking over!

  5. One of my favourites armies of this year. You have done an explendid work!!!!

  6. Absolutely love this army, it's showcasing the best of what OWAC can be. The colours and consistency are spot-on!

    1. Thank you mate! I'm very glad you think so. I'll keep on doing my best as long as I'm able

  7. One of the stand out armies of OWAC VII for me. Top notch every month!

    Am I right that I saw some of these minis in people's pictures from BOYL '24?

    1. Cheers! That means a lot coming from yourself!

      You probably did, yep :) I brought a squad with me just to give them some time in the sunshine. Decided to chuck them in the painting cabinet

  8. The display board is the final piece of the jigsaw which we didn't even know was missing. Such a spectacular project; the colour scheme is as dazzling as your painting skills. Great stuff :)


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