Monday, August 5, 2024

JohnR's Rogue Trader Wrap Up - OWAC VII (2463.5 points)

All done for another year. I didn't put as much into this OWAC as last year but in my defense I had a lot of other stuff going on. Still, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out and I finally got paint onto some minis that I've had for many decades.

Group shot - the contingent explore an abandoned outpost of the mythical Eugene Federation, deep within the Halo Zone.

Imperial Navy


The Holy Inquisition.

Adeptus Mechanicus


Imperial Archaeologists


Space Dwarves


I'll definitely be back again next year. Currently it's between WFB Dwarves and Rogue Trader Space Marines, so I'll probably end up doing neither lol.

See you all in about 6 months :)


  1. A truly excellent project with such a wide variety of figures. There's great character to the whole thing and it's been a pleasure watching them come together. I hope some games are in the future for this intrepid band?

  2. I have loved this project and all the character you have captured in your selection and presentation of the minis. This is as Rogue Trader as it gets and I love it! :D

  3. Fantastic range of minis all unified together under excellent paintwork - congrats on a wonderful force!

  4. You presented a lovely cross section of old 40k miniatures. This was an interesting project to follow

  5. Congratulations on a fantastic project! One thing I've been wondering though, which army list did you use? I'm tempted to paint up my own collection of ancient Imperial weirdos, but I'm not sure how to structure or cost up something like this.

  6. Well, I think this has been a roaring success, myself. A fantastic collection of miniatures from all over the Citadel ranges and beyond, all pulled together in an intelligent and entertaining manner. Very much in the spirit of Rogue Trader, and nicely painted, too.

  7. You've managed to make a disparate collection of miniatures look like a cohesive force, while also maintaining individuality. Fantastic painting throughout! Well done!


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