Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Mustafa's Meinolf Fehrenbach’s journal. 32nd of Nachexen (195pts)

32nd of Nachexen

Restful sleep continues to allude me. Despite retiring to bed as early as I can, I rise in the mornings and find myself drained and pale. Ghastly images fill my mind and cause me to wake several times during the night, often screaming. Sigmar knows what the servants must make of it all.

The physicians cannot find any reason for this, but have advised me to record my visions in a journal as they feel it may provide an insight into whatever malady is afflicting me.

Last night as I slept I found myself in a landscape that was an utter and abhorrent perversion of nature. The air was fetid and sticky, trees oozed bloody bile, leaves shrieked in pain as the wind swept through them, and clawed hands frantically grabbed at me from the earth.

As I made my way through this nightmarish terrain I encountered several creatures, the mere sight of which would cause most men to lose their minds. Fortunately I am made of sterner stuff and do not easily break!

The first of these beasts was a two headed troll. Its skin was a lurid purple, and white swirls and patterns writhed around his body. It had in its left hand some wretched soul that it proceeded to slowly and loudly devour. Not wanting to be its next course, I carefully and quietly snuck away while it made a meal of that poor fellow.

As I crawled through a meadow of translucent crystalline flowers I heard giggling coming from several yards ahead. It sounded like the laughter of small children, but as I got closer I saw that they were a bloated parody of childhood. Small, swollen, malformed creatures frolicked and played amongst the flowers. A cloud of flies swarmed around them, but they did not seem to care. I could not see them in great detail as their foul smell kept me away.

I continued on and found myself in a clearing. The ground here was completely devoid of life. Nothing but dirt and burnt grass. Ahead of me I saw something truly bizarre and disturbing. The mass of its body was a swollen and ruptured lump of flesh, covered with bright green boils and lesions. It pulled itself along the ground with two spindly arms. This thing had the face of an old man, but it’s mouth split vertically. Even writing about it causes me to tremble and it is easy to forget that it was nothing more than a figment of my unwell mind.

I wandered a while longer and came across a stream. Unlike everything else I had encountered, this was clean and beautiful. It reminded me of the small lake near my grandfather’s farm. I took the opportunity to refresh myself. The water felt cool and soothing on my skin after so much walking.

It was then that I saw him.

I caught sight of his reflection in the stream as he loomed behind me. I quickly turned to face him, and he let out a soundless shriek that turned my soul to ice. He raised a rusted blade overhead and lunged at me.......

And that is when I woke up, drenched in sweat.
My next appointment with the physician is in a few days time. Hopefully he can make more sense of all this that I can.

Chaos Troll 65pts
Chaos Spawn 70pts
Nurglings 30pts
Plaguebearer 30pts

Total 195pts


  1. Those are beautiful, especially the spawn. Hail the purple dimension!

  2. Love the write-up, very Lovecraftian, and I'm a huge fan.

    The painting is top notch, you really got the putrid of Nurgle nailed down.

    1. Cheers man. I alas aiming for a combination of putrid and filthy.

  3. Great narrative and paimting. All sculpted/converted besides the plaguebearer?

    1. Cheers :)
      No, they are all straight from the box.

      The troll is from The Russian Alternative.
      The spawn and nurglings are from Kromlech.

  4. Great stuff. Nice storey and very nice painting. Cheers

  5. I really hope your doctor can help mate, but not before you get some more of those visions down on paper. Great little short story :)

    Re the minis and PJ's....they're ok I guess.....could have painted a few dicks on them to increase the wow factor, but they'll do I suppose :P

    Cool stuff mate :)

    1. Don’t you worry Papa F. There will be genitalia at some point. Patience boy, patience....

  6. Share the insanity. Lovecraft would be proud.

    1. I really need to read some Lovecraft. All I hear is good stuff.

  7. Great combo of writing and painting. Papa would be proud

  8. Excellent presentation! Looking forward to reading more :)

  9. Replies
    1. Cheers man :) Got to pull something else out of my arse for next month’s story now!

  10. Lovecraft with a hint of Bloodborne, love the models, love the story

  11. Great story, even better figures. Your army is going to be great!

    1. Cheers Sean. It’s easy to paint well when you’ve only got to bang out 4 a month ;)

      Watch we suck giant gonads when I attempt a horde army.

  12. Great narrative to go along with awesome painting this month. I’ll be seriously impressed if you continue the narrative through the entire challenge!

  13. Absolutely brilliant post! Gross flesh tones and mouldy greens - love it! :D

    1. If gross flesh and mould are what rev your engine, I’m more than happy to oblige!

  14. Very nurglesque! I like it and love the story behind.


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