Sunday, February 24, 2019

AdamH's Brets - Sacrebleu! (219 pts)

Month two and I’m still here!

Even fewer models than last month I’m afraid although I am introducing a new unit; Knights Errant.

Adding to my previous month’s unit of Knights of the Realm are another three knights, however after looking back on the knights I painted for last month I wasn’t 100% convinced the coloured armour on the knight itself was working. So, this time (although hard to see in these pictures) I painted almost all of the armour itself silver picking out only the knee and elbow joints/pads in colour. The chest tabard is still coloured either as the primary or secondary colour with the knights individual Blazon.

I also went with some non-basic colours on these ones to try and break up the unit a bit, there isn’t really a theme of colours or shades I am going with so honestly, I am not sure how everything is going to look when completed. I always intended the army to be bright and colourful (clown barf is my reference point) however I still want to make sure they all look coherent as an army. At the midway point of the challenge I think I will do a group shot so you can all tell me if you think it is working or not.

Next up we have the freshmen of the knightly order; the Knights Errant. These guys the colours are pretty similar as before however there are no Blazons and the extravagance of their markings is kept to a minimum. Lovely models these in my opinion and I really enjoyed painting them up. Although without the little plastic nub underneath they are not going to sit snugly on the horses until I glue them, which I am hesitant to do until I am finished with the army and everything is final.

Finally I wanted to make a note on a few things people may have noticed, I haven’t put any pennants or banners on my models yet and with this month I have introduced some inconsistency on how the models have been painted. As mentioned before I am effectively re-learning the hobby after many years away so with each model I am working out how I want the future ones to look. My current plan is that on my mulligan month, when I don’t have enough time to start new models I will go back and add these details and make everything consistent.

This month I am submitting:

117 - 3x Knights of the Realm

38 - Knights Errant Champion
32 - Knights Errant Standard
32 - Knights Errant Musician

For a total of 219 points.

Once again, hope you have enjoyed my entry for this month; I’m certainly enjoying reading all of the others. Also I wanted to give a special mention to those fallen this month, always a shame to see people drop out of a challenge but I hope you guys will stick around and continue commenting and being a part of the challenge even if you can’t join us painting.

-        - AdamH


  1. Great work! The different colors you’ve used look good to me.

  2. Crisp, clean and colorful. They look great!

  3. I'm fully behind you with the "clown barf" look. That's half the fun of having a medieval knight themed army. But I think I like the silver/metalic parts breaking up the color on these.

    Another month of great painting!

  4. These are wonderful! I really like the choice of a colorful army, which fits particularly well to Bretonnia

  5. Good looking Brets. I think I followed the same convention when I painted mine last year. The more junior knights had simpler heraldry.

  6. Nice work! Love the heraldry!

  7. Brilliant bold colour choices - just what the Brets are all about! :D


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