Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Brennan's March Post - The Wooden Gun Line (250 Points)


Well, it's March and I live near a US Covid hot spot so I'm trying to keep everybody far away from me!  So, I've painted up a wooden gun line and stopped taking the showers.  More on the paint below...

As these fellas aren't elite, I've gone for a simpler paint scheme, especially on the armor.  I kept the color scheme on the tabards to help pull the look of the whole force together.

I got a comment last time, positive, on the color of the skin.  I've always liked a browner tone for dwarves.  I'm not sure why, but it has an earthy feel that I think suits them.  I know lost of folks like the very light and ruddy skin tones, but I tend to save those for elves.  

First up are the bolt throwers.  In 4th ed we called them SAMs... because of a certain magic rune.  I like how in 3rd they are more like battalion guns, get lots of them and they have a moderate effect.

Next up at the 10 xbows.  Those 2 Marauder miniatures in the unit were fantastic to paint.  The older Citadel were fun too, but there was something really nice about the Marauder figs, maybe the extra details.

Well here we are:
120 for two bolt throwers
130 for 10 xbows
250 for the month!

Ummmm....  next up on the painting table?  Well, its work dependent.  With being at home, I might paint up two character models and make it easy, or I might take on Prince Ulthars...


  1. Looking good! I think your skin tone works very well.

  2. Oueff! How tempted were you to paint an eye on the lens of the telescopes 😂!
    Good work anyhow

  3. Lovely job. Great idea to have a wooden gun line. Very original 👍😊

    1. I got inspiration when I was being harassed by some fellow gamers. The dwarf gun line is a bit infamous...

  4. I hadn't noticed until you mention it but yes, the darker skin tones work really well, and I agree it is a really nice idea to have a detachment of wooden guns :)

    1. Thanks! I need to find the pic but I think I saw the darker tone on an old image of the white dwarf...

  5. Looks great!! I agree with Jeff. perfect skin tone.

  6. They look really good and I support Prince Ulthar for next month!

  7. Great looking bunch of stunties!

  8. Great selection of models, all well painted! I wouldn't want to be at the pointy end of that group of dwarves.

  9. Nice looking battery. I love all those classic figures, and as I think I mentioned last time I really like your color scheme. I agree with your preference on the flesh as well.

    I played dwarfs up through 4th but can't quite remember the rune for the SAM reference...


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