Saturday, January 1, 2022

Paul M's 90s High Elves Intro Post

The first thing to say is, it's good to be back! Having completed OWAC II and III with Nurgle-Beastmen and Border Princes Armies, I had to take a break last year as the dreaded Real Life took precedence... but, boy did I start to miss you guys and the monthly grind of the OWAC. 

I rode the wave of enthusiasm post OWAC III and finally felt confident enough to paint my Marauder Giant to fit my Border Princes Army, but barely painted a thing for the next year until signing up for OWAC V which finally got my painting mojo back and I finished a bunch of projects in quick order. Next up was a unit of  24 'not Nuln Spearmen' a set of fan sculpts by Geoff Solomon Simms that were produced as a group project for BOYL 2021. I added black to the colour scheme to pay homage to their Nuln background.

Next up I added 14 Chaos Goblins to the four I produced during OWAC II. These are a mix of Foundry Chaos Goblins and 'Bogles' from Oakbound Studios. They have a strong Labyrinth vibe to me and I hope to add some Goblins with a similar feel from Knightmare Miniatures in the not too distant future. Last but not least I brushed 12 months of dust off this Tim Prow sculpted Undead Minotaur from Die Hard Minatures, who will lezd the pack I produced for OWAC II. 

Rounding out previous OWAC entries was satisfying, but no substitue for the real thing. There were some outstanding entries last year, and some good hobby-friends participating, so I'm really looking forward to this year ☺

Offerings to the Overlord!

As a hobby group admin and erstwhile painting project organiser myself I know how much time and effort running something as awesome as the OWAC takes, so I will take this opportunity to say thank you to Iannick (and other helpers!) - it really is a great project to be a part of.

I've decided to send three minis as my tribute this year, partly to make up for the previous two tribute minis not actually making it to Iannick! The first one, a Chaos Marauder in sea-green armour, was lost in the post to Canada (we can only assume he is even now wandering the frozen Chaos wastes of the north!) and the second one (a plastic Battle Masters Archer from my Border Princes army) never even got sent as aforementioned 'Real Life' asserted itself :( 

The OWAC is clearly important enough to have it's own standard and champion, and to warrant a drum roll when it enters a room, so I've painted up a set of Geoff Solomon-Simms not-Nuln Spearmen Command. I'm afraid I failed to read the memo about pink and blue being the colours to go for, but the inspiration here were the colours of the OWAC Blog banner, so there is still a touch of blue in the mix.  

OWAC V - For Caledor and Glory!

For an added dose of personal nostalgia for OWAC V I'm finally going back to my very first WFB army and building on the 4E High Elf Army I've had since I was 12. As you would expect, that means I've already got a lot of very badly painted plastic monopose spearmen and archers in garish primary colours... and, although they might be making an appearance in some fashion, I'll be looking to diversify a bit and add in some elites for my OWAC V entry.

Here is the provisional army list:

5 Dragon Princes of Caledor - Heavy Cavalry - 215 pts
5 Ellyrian Reavers - Light Cavalry - 125 pts
10 White Lions of Chrace, inc. full command - 245pts
20 Lothern Seaguard - 280pts
"Leader Month" - 200 pts

Total - 1065 pts 

This year my OWAC prep list has included plenty of the normal basing and undercoating, plus lots of fixing horses tails; swapping heads on second hand cavalry; press molding extra shields, bows and quivers, and spear tips; stripping down a metal dragon that had been stuck together with three pints of araldite; sourcing additional contemporary Elf sculpts for possible stretch goals (because you gotta treat yo'self!); panicking when you find you are a single plastic archer short for a unit when you are sure you counted correctly but can't find the bugger anywhere...

Various failed experiments in press molding and two empty bases still to be filled...

I've already committed heresy by using 25mm Square Bases for my Lion Warriors

Will I live to regret black undercoat for High Elves?

I already hate this thing!

I'll admit to being a little further behind than I would have liked, but I've got most of that ticked off now. As usual the most difficult thing has been to stop myself diving in and painting one of the freshly prepped units before Jan 1st!

I'll sign off by saying how much I've enjoyed the other intro posts, and how much I'm looking forward  to seeing all the other armies take shape. 

Happy new year and good hobby fortunes to all! 


  1. High Elves are always a favorite, and sea elves are fun to paint. Cavalry not so much...

    1. Mate.... I started with the cavalry and I have all the regrets! ;)

  2. Oh my, black undercoat for high elves, well I never!
    I have to say, I love your Overlord offering - they are fantastic, stirling work.
    Good luck with everything. Press moulding is quite the chore, but it really is satisfying when it comes off :)
    All the best!

    1. Thanks - I'm glad you like the tribute minis. I enjoyed painting them :)

  3. I don't know if it helps you, but I undercoat *all* my miniatures black and then do a light overspray of white if I'm going to paint in lighter colours. (A bit like people do for zenithal highlighting, but that's way too fancy for me.)

    Love a bit of press molding - I've made quivers this way for one of my Gnoll units (along with paper-clip bows), hundreds of roses for my vampire army, even Witch hunter hats for my Empire army, this way :)

    Good luck with your elves

    1. I did seriously consider adding a zenithal highlight before I started my first unit but the weather here has not been conducive to undercoating, so I just got stuck in!

  4. Grimdark High Elves in black? Love it! ;)

    Great job on Geoff's Spearmen - mine nearly ended up in my Empire entry this year but I had to control myself as the numbers were getting out of hand!

    1. Thanks Steve - the spearmen cut quite the dash when you get them all lined up :)


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