Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Chris Pridmore's Wrap-up Post

So, I painted an army! I'm honestly a little surprised that I got it all done. And I did the things I intended to do with it. The colours are bright, and I got to try out some new ideas and techniques, from the rainbow chaos symbols to colour-changing paint. I like to think that I've captured something of the mid-90's I remember, and it's been great to paint some minis that I've owned since those days, as well as a few more recent purchases and a whole lot of stripped and rebuilt second-hand stuff. It's recycling!

The final list is as follows:

Chaos Lord 91pts

Chaos Champion 58pts

Army Icon Bearer 55pts

Chaos Sorcerer 52pts

Aspiring Champion 30pts

9 Chaos Terminators 459pts

Aspiring Champion 30pts

9 Chaos Space Marines 225pts

Aspiring Champion 30pts

9 Plague Marines 315pts

10 Plaguebearers 350pts

Great Unclean One 275pts

Chaos Dreadnought 135pts

Total 2105pts

That's a lot of points for a compact force, and although I very rarely play any flavour of 40k, I think its reasonably balanced and playable, if perhaps a little slow-moving. Chances are I'll never play it, but I've finally got the glass cabinet that I've wanted for years, and I love the way it looks in there. Took a quick photo of a few of my favourites marching into town, and of course, the classic cheesy picture!



  1. Good work that man! 2nd Ed 40K Chaos were always expensive, so a compact 2000pts is bang on playable - I really hope you get the chance for a game :)

  2. Everything oozes classic 40k Chaos vibes (especially the Nurgle daemons). Lovely job :)

  3. Such a lovely balance of bad ass marines and postulant demons! And really well painted! Huge congratulations!

  4. Congrats on the finished army and OWAC! The army is IMO visually pleasing and balanced. Hope you get to play with it too.
    Also cool terrain

  5. Lovely mix of models and a cracking paintjob all round - flipping aces! I really like the purple and green on the plaguebearers, and (heads up), I may steal this.
    Congratulations on a wonderful army!


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