Saturday, December 30, 2023

Graeme's Skaven (part three - Revolutions)

Graeme's Skaven - OWAC 7 Introduction Post

Paint something different this year! That was my plan. I wanted to get out my comfort zone and paint something new. Not more Skaven. Definitely not!

I put a poll up in the OWAC Facebook group and Slann came out on top, with Norse coming a close second. I dutifully dusted off both my Slaan and Norse models and started counting out and organising them. I had enough models to do either. I had some interesting models looked out to give both armies a bit more character. I opted to go for Slann, because they're ancient, sentient, space frogs, with an Aztec theme!

Then, halfway through my prep, I hit some snags with my Slann...

...and at the same time came across my remaining Skaven models.

I got to thinking...

I wasn't happy how I left off on OWAC 6...
...and I still didn't have a full 3000 point Skaven army I could play with...
...and I had a bunch of already prepped Skaven, just squeaking out for some paint...
...and I was tantalisingly close to having enough painted models to be able to field that Skaven army I dreamed of...

...and, in the end, yet again, the lure of the Great Horned One was too great!

There's definitely some masochistic tendencies needed when choosing a Skaven force to paint for an OWAC. The Jes Goodwin sculpts which make up my force are packed full of detail, which makes them a real pleasure to look at, but sometimes a bit of a chore to paint. And you need lots of them for a decent horde army.

So, ehm, I might have gotten a bit carried away with my prep...

I mean, I had a few Clan Eshin Gutter Runners lying around from my first OWAC...

And it was obvious I had to add to the Clanrats I had left over...

And maybe I could either add to the main Clanrat unit, or create a new Stormvermin unit...

Bulking up the unit was spears was needed...

And adding to the Skavenslave unit was a no-brainer...

Then I added to the bunch of Black Skaven I had lying around...

Obviously I'd need some firepower from Clan Skryre...

And some muscle from Clan Moulder, with something exotic thrown in for good measure...

And, of course, we have to have some leaders and special troops...

To be honest, I stopped counting after a while. It's the largest number of models I've ever prepped for an OWAC. The only thing I need to do in the next five or six months is paint (sounds so simple, right?). I have a few of conversions and something special in the pipeline, but only if I have time.

Realistically, though, I'm going to aim low. To complete a legal, practical force which I'm likely to actually play with, I'm going to focus on finishing these:

  • 20 Clanrats, armed with hand weapons, light armour and shields (120 points)
  • 10 Clanrats, armed with spears, light armour and shields (65 points)
  • 5 Skavenslaves, armed with spears and shields (17,5 points)
  • 2 Jezzailachis teams (78 points)
  • 2 Poisoned Wind Globadiers (52 points)
  • 1 Plague Censer Bearer (41 points)
  • 1 Warpfire-thrower team (81 points)
  • 1 General (level 20 hero, around 100 points)
This little horde of 42 Skaven only brings me to about 550 points - well short of the target 1000 points.
Either I paint a LOT more Skaven from the core units, or some elites (Black Skaven or Gutter Runners), or I recruit the swarm, Rat Ogres, and the Manticore (or Harpies that I planned to use last OWAC) to bump up the points. We shall see!

Fingers crossed I can make it through at least the stuff I plan to do. I'm hoping for more, but I've seen real life get in the way far too often.

Good luck to all the other challengers! (Especially the other member of #teamSkaven this year - AdamH).

There are some great-looking plans already afoot. I suspect this will be a sensationally good OWAC!


  1. It is like reading my post from two years ago, I did the exact same thing even down to prepping a full chaos dwarf army before switching back to skaven at the last minute. The lure of the great horned one is strong indeed.

    I would ask where the rest of your jezzails are but I feel I may be a little biased there lol.

    Best of luck though, us ratbois have to stick together, go #teamskaven!!

    1. Yeah, I can't seem to get enough of these furry little monsters.
      I'm afraid I'm limited to 4 Jezzails in 3rd edition, at ;east according to Warhammer Armies, otherwise I'd invest in plenty more! :-)
      Hope this is the year of the Rat again!

  2. Skaven figures- the good kind of rat infestation!

    1. The only kind anyone encourages, anyway... ;-)

  3. Soemtimes you've just got to finish the job, right? I estimate there's no more than 120 minis there - 20 per month. Set yourself the challenge :D

    1. Well, 10 a month is good enough for me, but anything more would be awesome. We'll see...

  4. A good addition to an already great armyA But you know, 3000 points are just the first step to a 5000 point army..

  5. I love skaven and have a lot of respect for those who collect and paint skaven armies, good luck in the challenge!

  6. Team skaven returns with a strong crew and lots of lovely metals this year. Love to see them added to your amazing army. Good luck!

  7. Skave have stopped many armies (and painters) dead in their tracks. You can do it.

  8. I think this was a good call - the OWAC is such a powerful vehicle for getting BIG projects completed. Even though I have had moments of never wanting to paint another elf ever again, the satisfaction of having long term projects like this completed is always worth it.

    Still looking forward to the Slann and the Norse in future years :)


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