Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Byron's Hippy Wood Elves - Rank and File Month (270 points)


My Offering for this month is a unit of 10 archers (11pts each) and a mounted General (160pts)

For this OWAC my challenge to myself is to use cheap $5 craft paints. It was a little tricky to figure out how they work. The added perk of this self-challenge is the very limited palette. It allows me to paint the cloth almost randomly while maintaining a cohesive color scheme for the force. I wanted the army to have a strong "Red Period" and hippy vibe, so I have tried to give the force bright vibrant colors. I have mixed up a dropper of flesh tone, shade tone (black and purple mix), and tawny for the leather. One painting strategy that I use is that for each force I use a consistent color for various materials, in this case Red to signal wood and the tawny for leather. That way the models become easily readable at a distance. 

I also use a consistent shade tone across the army. By not having the dark darks as black it serves to lighten up the army. Relatedly the similar shade tone mixed with the colors gives the colors similar temperatures so that it feels like consistent lighting for the army. 

The other thing to highlight about the army is that I have sculpted flowers on the minis. I plan to continue this for the rest of the army as a clear through line. 

Next, is Scarlas Forestmane, general of my army. He is armed with a lance and wears heavy armor. He also has a sheathed sword and pouch so he can be variously equipped in future battles. He is a simple conversion because he came with his original lance broken off. He is armed with the 5th ed wood elf general lance. 

Parallel to OWAC I have been helping organize an escalation in the PNW oldhammer community. Our first battle was 150 points of forces. I brought 8 archers (2 units of 4) and Scarlas (as a lvl 5 independent character) My elves teamed up with empire troops to defend a small settlement. 

The elves and humans had a rough day. All the men were killed. The elves held the tower and Scarlas was surrounded by dark monsters but he was able to flee unscathed. 

Finally, for my entry fee/secret santa offering I have this curious Dark Elf  Assassin. He's got a sorta witch elf vibe and a Slaanesh insignia on his bracer. 

Similar apparel choice to Riker ;) 


  1. Great job with the tools you've chosen. I don't think I'll ever grow to love Wood Elves in purple pants, but that's probably a me problem :D

  2. I am genuinely surprised by the results you have conjured with the craft paints. I thought that you would be on deep trouble with them, especially with the skin. Great work!

  3. I don't want to sound like I'm damning with faint praise, but considering the tools you're using on these war dollies they've come out looking great. I've got some of these to add to my force but they will be somewhat less...vibrant.

    1. He's certainly ended some of my worries, like "is this green too bright" or "should I even use red on Wood Elves?" !!!

  4. Love the colour on these - groovy baby!

  5. Bold choice going with craft paints. This will be interesting to see how you do with them. Your first month went well.

  6. Interesting parallels with my own approach to army painting here as I also choose colours for material or fabric types and try and make that consistent across the force, or at least related units, as I think this is a great way to establish coherence and to make people think about the materials. Red wooden weapons is peak Red Period, so mission accomplished there, but I will echo comments above about how well the bright colours have turned out (and the flesh tones) using craft paints, and for me they have a much more old school vibe as a result.


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