Wednesday, February 7, 2024

George's Bad Moons: Leader

Big Gobb's father had built an empire, fuelled by blood thirsty conquest and the irresistible call of the WAAARGH! With every victory more households flocked to his banner until he commanded a mob so big that it was feared across the galaxy.

While his father was alive, Big Gobb had enjoyed basking in his glory. He would shout about his father's achievements as if they were his own . He bossed everyone around and lived a life of luxury,

But now his father was dead and gone, Big Gobb was finding it hard to re-create the glory days. He had taken over the big mob and driven it to a succession of defeats. And eventually the boyz began to drift away, seeking better fights with better bosses. Then nobz who had been loyal to Big Gobb's father left too. Eventually only a skeleton army remained, formed of those too loyal, too mad or too lazy to desert.

Big Gobb knew he needed something big to restore the family reputation and he had big plans: storm a squat stronghold. Kills all the dwarfs. Steal all their treasure. Once he'd pulled that one off, he could go back to his life of luxury and shouting.

Now he needed to muster a mob. A big mob. And to do that, he needed to look the part. Big Gobb called upon the finest ork tailors and instructed them to make a uniform befitting of a conquering general. Then he started to shout.

Phew! Well, I had big plans for January. I was aiming to have painted enough boyz to make up the big mob, and extras for later in the challenge. But then that old friend Life parked itself in front of the hobby desk and I barely managed an initial basecoat in the first three weeks.

I opted to press the panic button and went straight for painting my leader. Certainly not part of the plan, but at least it means I'm still in the challenge.

The model is a lovely sculpt from Ramshackle Games. He is the perfect Big Gobb - pointing, shouting and avoiding any of the hard work!

The paint job turned out OK, although I would have loved more time and to have painted with natural light (I struggle painting with artificial lights). But, hey, I'm still standing!

And I managed to paint my tribute miniature for Chris Howell. Chris is painting a chaos warrior army for this challenge - I've never collected or painted chaos, but did find this cheeky chappy amongst my childhood collection. He's a Chaos Sorcerer from Heartbreaker Miniatures, sculpted by Phil Lewis in the early 90s. 

And lastly a huge THANK YOU to Richard Bennett. Richard sent me two beautifully painted minis, with Big Gobb references! I was blown away when they arrived and they inspired me to keep painting. Thanks again!


Big Gobb!


More shouting!

My offering for Chris Howell: Chaos Sorcerer!

And the wonderful minis I received from Richard Bennett - even includes a Big Gobb reference!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Life tries to interfere with many of us this year. I'm glad that you and Gobb are still in the challenge. He certainly looks like a conquering general and deserves a big mob to conquer the galaxy with

  3. Big Gobb is certainly impressive! Look at all his medals!!

    I'm very glad to have contributed to his cause, and also to have provided additional inspiration. Onwards!

  4. Great job with continuing in the face of adversity! Love the chaos model (naturally!), and the orc is certainly an imposing figure - the upturned finger point/beckon is v.ork!

  5. Your Big Gobb is awesome. That yellow storm coat is sure to be the envy of every ork in the mob.

  6. Well done for changing plans and staying in the challenge, and a well chosen tribute mini that you don't often see :)


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