Friday, February 9, 2024

Chris P's Rank and File 1 - The Goffs

 2 Goff Nobz with powerfists: 46
 11 Goff Boyz with 1 flamer: 139
Total 185 points

 Completed the largest mob that I'm planning, and I think they've come together pretty well. The old plastics have a decent amount of detail, and it was fun to create my own version of the classic scheme.



I'm also most of the way through painting my entry fee model for another challenger - an Eldar Howling Banshee in a variant Alaitoc scheme. As it happens, this is the same sculpt I painted for last year's tribute, and I've enjoyed doing something a little different with this one. Should be finished next month!



  1. Love me some classic Goffs. Those power fists were always so awesome and terrifying to see in the classic Ork mobs. WAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGG

  2. Great seeing the ol' plastic orks get some love! The ork with the monocle is my favourite - nice cheques!

  3. Yessssss! I was actually painting a bunch of these old Goffs at the end of last year for my slightly delayed Orktober project and I found them really good fun to paint. I love what you have done with these - they really feel like they would have fit the part in an old White Dwarf battle report against some Alaitoc Eldar :)

  4. They certainly look like they are worth their teef! Great work!


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