Friday, February 9, 2024

Ian's Undead - Rank and File month 1 (456 points)

The world dies over and over again, but the skeleton always gets up and walks.

- Henry Miller

January was a good month. I painted everything I was aiming for except for 3 Vampire Bats. As usual, my iPhone 9 takes really bad pictures.

January Rank and File - 456 points


20 Skeletons with spear and shield – 200 points 
2 Undead chariots with scythed wheels, 1 crew with bow– 156 points 
10 Dire wolves - 100 points

Total : 456 points

February will bring minimally another unit of 20 Skeletons and a unit of 20 Ghouls.

Finally, here's the miniature I will paint for Nicolas Ouellet : a Dwarf Dragon Slayer. Nicolas is already and sadly in the field of bones but as he's sending me a miniature, I will too !


  1. Mega progress Ian. An impressive haul for month one. I've got a few of those Chariots planned myself for later in the year.

  2. Great job on these classic stalwarts of so many Undead armies. Nice bone effect, and I like the rusty metal look. Good start Ian

  3. You came out swinging for OWAC! Outstanding work. I love your chariots.

  4. woah! That's a lot of bones! The rust work looks flipping amazing - great work

  5. That's really impressive! I love your chariots and agree with the previous comments on your rust effects, it's really beatifully done

  6. Impressive start! I love the rusty look of those shields :)

    Tom says: What edition are the direwolves from? I want some for my army! :D


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