Hello to all owacers!
This year, i'm proudly coming back to some classics: My chaos army.
Since my dear childhood where i was just a lad, i was digging chaos and especially beastmen.
The beastmen from battlemasters attracted my attention and i was wondering why they weren't in heroquest?
Anyway, through the years, i gathered a lots of classic chaos sculpts and my army got bigger and bigger.
I have 646 miniatures for my mortals and beastmen army. To this, we must add some daemons, chaos dwarves, hobgoblins and norses.
But each army in its own time, Owac VII will allow me to progress on my main chaos army where there is a lots of beastmen:
25 beastmen with banner and champion
I'm starting the Owac with a small unit of 25 beastmen. Their leader is a pretentious snakeman claiming to belong to Kuresh Nobility. His followers just tell about him he was just a snake that got lucky while chewing wyrdstone.
But most of them don't dare to tell this to his face and he remains a deadly foe.
A scary banner
The banner of the unit is a lamasu king. I tried to copy a banner which was in the Slaves to Darkness book. The bearer is an orc with a skin condition. Hunted by his orcish brethrens, he found his way amongst chaos followers. Here we can see him with his one eyed fellow.
Art coming from Slave to Darkness

Here, we have the full command group. There are a couple of Runequest broos, really cool sculpts. One got a skull like head, he looks like a beast templar. Then we have Carrion, a bird like guy. He's a real classic sculpt from the old days.
Two more broos, then a strange beastman named Cloven Hoof. He got his head placed in a strange way. Then two boarguys named Gizilgig and Swilefog. Back when I found them, i was happy to find other kind of beasts in the army but I didn't find them very cool to paint.
A couple of months ago, I found the chaos warrior that looks like a small ogre. I didn't think he was a good fit amongst chaos warriors so I put him in the beastmen regiment.
Then there is axe wielder who looks like a little lamb. Then we have a guy with a big spear who's looking like a bit like a bugbear.
Following, we have camel man and a big axe bearer with a single horn on the forehead.
Here we can see a classic beast guy, two Bob Olley's fellows, a broo with a stylish helmet and the one in the middle is a fun mini. His name is Birdman, he s a mix of beard and walrus with a big coat, a hat and a claymore. I gave him a big Santa cloack :)
The last bunch includes a broo with chainmail and big mace, a pig with eye patch and big axe, a pot bellied broo, a young but athletic minotaur and tzeentchian fellow with cool helmet. They look fierce and mean troubles.
A last picture before February
Here is my January month that gather 324 points of beasts. They were really fun to paint apart from a couple. I liked training in freehand on the banner ; it's not perfect but it will do the trick.
I had this miniature for several years now and getting to see them painted filled me joy and a sense of completion.
Finally, i have my entry fee to get ready!
It's a skeleton warrior with a spear! I have to get it painted and based before sending it. As its future owner is an undead player, he will be able to use it :)
Next time, some small guys and a big guy.
Carry on guys, we will complete this new owac!!!
Stunning work! I love that banner!
ReplyDeleteI love all those old beastmen :)
ReplyDeleteI try not to be too jealous of your collection of vintage beastmen. I love especially the likes of carrion man, camel man and the Runequest broo. Also, awesome work with that banner
ReplyDeleteYou guys are killing the numbers this month. What a glorious month for CHAOS. I love the classic banner. Well done good sir, well done.
ReplyDeleteFantastic collection all in one great looking unit. Love the banner and the brightly coloured snakeman
ReplyDeleteGood grief, that's a lot of excellent beastmen! Awesome start! 😈
ReplyDeleteProper Oldschool! I always find painting old Olley beastmen and Runequest Broo alongside each other very rewarding. Love the inspiration and execution on the banner. What a great unit! :D
ReplyDeleteAwesome selection of old models and great work on them! The different sculpting styles work well together, and your paint job really brings out the best in them! Superb start to the challenge!