Thursday, February 8, 2024

Pokrzyw's Druchii - Month 1 - Rank & File - blood and tears (401pts)

"From the bloody temples of Khaine bloody sisters come to battlefield. Come closer to the enemies, beginning lethal dance of daggers and lust.. Each time they start dance earth must run with blood of victims.. ".. 

Plans for January:

Witch elves were planned to enter OWAC 7 with bang. 12 witches plus the cauldron of blood as the primary objective gave solid base for the army. They are really strong in combat, but immortal beauty of marauder miniatures is also legendary.

In addition, a sorcerer with another unit of 10 witches was a nice attachment, depends on available time.


January was really hard - work at morning, evenings connected with searching for my friend's dog that ran away in last days of 2023. Still not found. But.. I started with Couldron - I love the shape of this all miniature - the best one even compared to the newer version.

Witches were pain in the ass.. unfortunately i use skinny-pinky primer, that was a terrible mistake. All ladies looks like they spent too much time taking sunbath. GW Contrasts & speedpaints from Army Painter helps me reach the primary and big part of secondary objectives.

Final Result:

I'm really happy with final effect - two units - 12 and 10 witches with supporting cauldron is a nice core of the army (401pts)
Force of blood, hair, daggers and ti.. tears

Tomato soup for tomato god!

MC Death Hag

Unfortunately lone sorcerer left, but maybe there will be occasion to paint also that one..

The last part for January gift!

This year I've prepared old fashioned dwarf from eighties. Redugal Ironbeard - dwarf fighter. Very small comparing to the modern miniatures, but it is the essence of being the dwarf. For me it is one of the most important minis in my life. He was representation of  my character for WFRP adventures  when I was teenager. Maybe it will not fit for the army of the donee, but the history about  interaction of Redugal with the army can be told, and brave warrior may be used as a filler for the unit..


  1. Wow, you might have got the base skin tone wrong to start with but the end result is fantastic! I love the combo of pink and green and blue, and the greenish metal. Well done for escaping from black and purple and blood red (apart from the cauldron, of course!)

  2. Yeah, I agree with Shadespyre - the greenish tint on the metalwork is lovely. Such a lot of minis too! Great job! 👏

  3. I agree with the previous - excellent choice of colours, your army will sure look amazing once done. I also love the story behind choosing Redugal as your January gift. I might have a clue on where he's going and he will be warmly greeted by his kin.

  4. Some of my favorite Witch Elf sculpts. I think the final result on the skin looks great. Remember we don't mistakes, we have happy accidents.

  5. This post really gives a flavour of why the OWAC is a real hobby challenge. Well done for overcoming challenges and real life obstacles to get the month completed - it really paid off.

    What a great choice of tribute miniature too! Love the extra hit of hobby nostalgia :)

  6. Great work and an awesome start to the challenge!


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