Friday, April 5, 2024

AdamH’s Skaven month three rank and file - Stimky boys

This month was one of those big model count units that you just get your head down and get painting on.

I wanted to expand on my existing Plague Monk unit and add another smaller one. With everything I painted this month I can run a big unit of 40 and a smaller one of about 15, or alternatively a couple of medium size units.

With this I have no painted pretty much all of the Plague Monk models I own, other than a few extra Censer Bearers and a couple of broken models that I may try and use in another project that is it.

Both groups of the metal releases of Plague Monks (the original 80’s and the 90’s models) are among my favourite Skaven figures. I am very happy to finally have a good sized collection of painted fanatics such as these:

Finally a close up of the command models for the unit, taking this picture made me realise that I either never had, or have misplaced my second unit champion so I guess I will have to track another down at some point.

Month three stats:

Models painted: 33

Total points: 245

Times I have been sick this month totally unrelated to painting these plague invested vermin: several

Another big unit next month as I am going to try and get through the Clan Rats, but it should be easy sailing from there as all that is left after will be the Jezzails and Heros.


  1. Excellent work dude especially the banner. I feel your pain with the high model count low points value troops but totally worth it in the long run.

  2. A lot of work, but the end result is a pretty spectacular unit. I love the effect on the rusty blades, you can tell that you've had a lot of practice!

  3. I really love the shade of green on these guys' robes! They look so impressive all ranked up. Keep up the amazing work!

  4. Awesome work this month. Your killing the numbers and making the Vermin Lord and Papa Nurgle proud.

  5. Sickly, pale greens work really well here, and that banner is ace! Great work to sustain that over the numbers you painted too. Good job!

  6. Big, impressive block of minis. Lovely, love the banner too!

  7. Daaaang, that's a big unit! Great effort - love the movement tray :)


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