Saturday, April 6, 2024

PaulM - Mórr's Wild Hunt - Mulligan

Well, this is all starting to become rather familiar isn't it? Another month whereby I moan about not having enough time and only managing to finish by the skin of my teeth...except this month my teeth are, eh, skinned...

March has been a bit of a drag; due to work, and a family holiday, the paintbrushes didn't get picked up until the 22nd, a full three-quarters of the way through the month! With me promptly getting sick 6 days later. So the fact that I finished my tribute and got 99% of the way there with 5 Glade Riders is still something I'm quite proud of if I'm honest (considering my pace is glacial on a good day). Regardless I'm in the position, last minute, of having to take my mulligan/wildcard month for Month 3. 

Now, cards on the table, I had actually planned April in for this as an opportunity to get the remainder of the force built, based and undercoated in preparation for the final two months (and maybe getting a bit of terrain done too whilst I was at it). Which, admittedly, is something I should have done last year. 

Anyway, I did at least achieve some things this month. I got my Glade Guard to the state below:

...and managed to get my tribute painted to my best approximation of the recipient's style:

And, as an added bonus, I received the following from the OTHER PaulM. Rather lovely he is too and will go on to join my scouts eventually. Paul also added some extra treats to the package which was a lovely surprise. Must by psychic as I love a Double Decker. Unfortunately I won nowt on the scratch card. Thanks Paul!

So what are plans for April then? Pretty much unchanged if I'm honest. I have a few days work on the Glade Guard and then will look to getting everything else prepped for the final push - that being basing and undercoating my Characters and Warhawk Riders. I would also like to get at least one Treeman done. Basically as much as I can fit in. Let's see how it goes eh? 


  1. Getting anything done on a mulligan month is more than expected, so this is a WIN :) Love both gift miniatures, sure looks like you should consider painting some Chaos Marines of your own!

  2. That's great output for such a short time and really nice work with the tribute model too. Hopefully the next months will be easier

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  4. Take this reprieve to catch your breath, regroup, and knuckle down. You are off to a good start on those Glade Guard and your Tribute model is beautiful, makes me want to break out my Space Crusade and paint it up.

    You got this. Keep painting.

  5. I like the glade riders, nice figure choice and the paint is looking good. That tribute figure is like a completely different direction and great painting in it's own right! I hope next month is easier for you.

  6. Glad you enjoyed the secret santa package and well done for keeping painting during challenging circumstances. The OWAC is a marathon, not a sprint and you definitely seem to have the right approach to keeping up with progress when life allows. Here's hoping April is kinder to you and you get more time with the brushes :)

  7. A shame that you had to take the Milligan so late in the month. It's horrible having the weight of the OWAC minimums hanging over your head for 3/4 of it. Hopefully with the start you have now for May, you can have a little actual respite and recharge, ready for The Big Push in June!
    Many thanks once again for the wonderful chaos model - he's been based already and fits right in! (I was a bit luckier and won a pound on the scratcher 🙂)
    Thanks again, and good luck for May! ⭐


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