Sunday, February 4, 2024

Tom's Chaos Renegades: Rank and File 1

January: Rank and file month one

A chore and a half! 
Mostly I think due to the background stress of the dreaded SA Tax Return that needed to be done! Anyhow, filling in the much needed Khorne contingent - these bois step up! πŸ‘‡

I've digitally added the classic blue fade background

The armour is two coats of Black Templar contrast paint,  followed by highlights using AK Mint Green and AK White Grey

Red armour trim is AK Wine Red, highlighted with AK Deep Red, AK Lemon Yellow, AK White Grey

The lighter red of the faces was painted using GSW Hellfire Red, with a wash of GW Flesh Tearer contrast, and highlighted using AK Volcanic Yellow, AK Lemon Yellow and AK White Grey.

Bone was painted using AK White Grey, washed with GSW Walnut Ink, and highlighted back to AK White Grey - some AK Leather Brown mixed in...

The backpack is painted using any colour, but then covered in AK Dark Sea Blue mixed with quite a bit of AK Glaze Medium, so that you can see the base colour underneath. Then highlighted with the base colour and adding AK White Grey. In hindsight I think this would have worked for the armour all around, and it would have been quicker too!

Bases are drybrushed with GSW Black Stallion mixed with either AK Mint Green or AK Blue Green. Add AK White Grey to highlight. GW Caliban Green added to the lower base, with a Mininatur moss pad glued on. Then GSW Blood Effect squeezed on direct from the pot and moved around a bit with a brush or paperclip.

These next two, the lighting seemed to be much brighter - even though I'm using the same lightbox setup. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ Either way, these are much closer to the actual colours.
The heavy weapon here is a tyranid or genestealer cults one, I think.

These two were a bit of a grind to be fair, and I'm really pleased that they are now 'out of the way'!  Here's the champion: I bent his axe out a bit to make him stand a bit betterπŸ‘‡

And here they all are as one big mob! πŸ‘‡

I'm undecided on the plan for February. Hopefully I can get another rank and file month under my belt. I'm thinking tzeeentch...
I did also pick up some wonderful terrain from Fogou, which I may well pick away at as themed for Chaos: link (although they originally came to my attention as Ork Huts...)

Aaaanyhow, moving on!

Here's my Tribute model, an old Heroquest elf looking to join a Wood Elf army. I'm really pleased with how it came out - full color pics on the recipients post, and I hope it sees some use on the tabletop πŸ™‚
Maybe I should have waited a little to try and match their colour scheme, but the model could well be a rogue elf ranger from afar, come to join in the muster. The base is just flat painted, so he can be rebased easily. πŸ‘‡

Intro: link

January: Rank and File 1
315... 9 x Khorne Berzerkers
45...   1 x Aspiring Champion w/Mark of Khorne

Total: 360

Catch ya next month πŸ‘Š


  1. I absolutely love your model choice and paint jobs. Well done. I think you and I are going to be painting some of the same models and I cant wait to see what you do each month. Go Team Chaos!

  2. Awesome! I agree with the above, lovely choices with models and colours. Really looking forward to seeing this project grow.

    Btw: The heavy weapon looks like the autocannon that came in the chaos heavy weapons sprue. I got some of them with Genestealer hybrids in the early 90s

    1. I do have quite a few of the old plastic genestealer hybrids, so maybe it did indeed come with them :) Cheers!

  3. Great job on making a chaotic colour scheme look uniform but not too uniform, if you see what I mean. A very impressive start.

  4. seems to me less colourful than your previous armies... and it works really well! Congrats!

    1. yeah, for the Khorne scheme I have restricted the colour somewhat - they really do stand out from the others for it though. Hopefully next month will either be eye wateringly colourful Tzeentch (or a leader month)!

  5. These are great! I always liked the HR Geiger type feel of this style of RT Chaos Renegade and I think your painting and colour choices have captured and conveyed that really effectively.

    And you already know that the HQ Elf was very well received indeed! Thank you again :)

  6. Love these! Great choice of colours. The bright highlights over the dark base colours really show off the details of the figures.


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