Monday, April 27, 2020

Brendan's April Clan Moulder - (214pts)

Bring on the Heat!

For April I think I painted the smallest number of models for my group of clan Moulder, but they all pack some punch.  To start I figured I would sell some rat mutants to the local clan Skyre to get a warpfire thrower.  Nothing invokes fear on your enemy like a fire rat!

Warpfire thrower team: 70 points.  Dousing your friend's Dwarves and Norse on fire?  PRICELESS!

Continuing with my Moulder theme I added three more rat ogres to the list.  I got a little off "old world" with these guys as I had two of the newer rat ogres.  But this would also mean that I would have 6 different sculpts of rat ogres.  So I talked myself into it.  Fee free to berate me.  I can take it. However, I do like how they came out!

And here is how they all look with my rat ogres from a previous month.  No two alike!

3 rat ogres: 124 points.  I also added some handlers for them as well.

2 pack masters: 20 points.  And finally, my army shot after 4 full months of painting Clan Moulder!


  1. Nice work all around. The newer skaven blend well with the old ones.

  2. They are all great! And you really can't tell the new models from the older models, and it makes the unit!

  3. Great work!
    I'm not a huge fan of the newer Rat Ogre sculpts, but it's pretty much the only option if you want some variety in your unit. These turned out well and really fit well into the army.
    Cracking job on the Warpfire-thrower!
    That's a deadly double-whammy for April! Good job #teamskaven!

  4. I, in the other hand, really like those IoB rat ogres. Big ol' rats mashed with machine and warp is very cool. The army shot looks fantastic!

  5. It's really coming together mate and the army as a whole look fantastic! Well done!

  6. Lush! That dirty blue is so great to tie everything together. This is truly the year of the rat!

  7. Awesome, love the dirty swarm like feel you've achieved

  8. Awesome stuff! The Rat Ogres look great as a big unit like that and the newer ones don't look out of place :)


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