Monday, July 31, 2023

Shadespyre's OWAC VI Wrap-up Post - Dark Elves / Drow

Shadespyre's OWAC VI Dark Elf / Drow Army - Wrap up post


It already feels like a long time ago...

I had a go at collecting the whole army together, setting it up on some painted boards and taking some nice photos. It didn't work out so well - impossible to get good lighting - but at least you get an idea of what 200 odd miniatures look like.

As it happens, the final model count of 211 is very similar to that for the Gnolls last year (I think that was 209?) but somehow this project felt much bigger!

You can probably tell that I finally got around to making movement trays for every unit and respraying them all in a uniform pale grey. I tried a few in white first and it was just a bit too stark. 

I made the trees using a Woodland Scenics kit. An odd experience - the kit include flat cast metal armatures which you twist into shape with pliers before gluing on the foliage. It would probably have been a more satisfactory process if the castings weren't badly flashed, but the end result was pretty good despite being a lot of hard work. Not sure I'd do it this way again, though.

Likewise, I'm happy enough with how the snow bases came out, but I'm not sure I'd do it this way again. The main problem being that it's almost impossible to go back and add more and get a "realistic" smooth fresh snow look if you miss a bit first time around.

In terms of the project itself - overall I'm happy. The theme was slow to emerge (and still hasn't presented a nice name) but I enjoyed finding the AD&D references to add here and there. I stuck to my aim of only using early Citadel ranges, with just a couple of plastic bits used to repair or enhance models, and managed to tie in some properly old miniatures as an excuse to get them painted.

There were the usual frustrations of building an army of such old minis - I couldn't collect all the unit types I wanted to; the poor quality of some castings made painting them a trial; forcing the figures available to fit an only slightly compatible army list - but as this is my third army of this type that was all to be expected. 

The purple colour scheme looks pretty good but was very fiddly, I ended up dropping about a half of the stages from the initial method and I don't think it really shows. Painting lots of narrow trim around armour and so on made for a lot of work, as did paints of wildly different consistency despite all being from the same range. My appreciation of Citadel Foundation Paints will remain long after I've emptied my last pot!

Highlights for me include finally painting a version of that Tony Ackland War Eagle, enjoying the White Dragon even though it was forced upon me, and the Displacer Beasts that used to be Weretigers. 

Next Time?

I'll definitely be in again for OWAC VII. Maybe I'll finally build a 3rd edition army with contemporaneous miniatures? I've got a few more all-pre-slotta projects that I could tackle, but it may be that the "novelty" of painting dozens of the same sculpt to make a unit has worn off a bit.

A few things on the list:

Pre-slotta High Elves
The Other pre-slotta High Elves (!)
Wood Elves
Eldar Pirates
Some sort of odd hodge-podge of the Half Orc, Hobgoblin, Ogre and Giant Mercenary lists from Warhammer Armies, because I don't have enough of any one to make an army.

It also occurs that I've never painted so much as one unit of Dwarves. But I'd have to buy a whole army from scratch to do that...

Previous Posts:


  1. Wonderful army! I don't know how you manage to paint so many figures!!! And they look great!

    1. The secret is to paint for a couple of hours every day for a couple of months, and get deep into the project before you even notice. Sadly there's no magic to it! I'm glad you like the results though, thanks!

  2. Now that's a proper army! I really like the overall theme and you stuck with it, looks great!

    1. Thank you, Mr Overlord. What the OWAC does for me is encourage me to paint army-sized armies, rather than muck about with a few minis here and there like I do in my "own time". Thanks for providing the focus and camaraderie that makes that possible :)

  3. Epic! What a lot of painting, and it looks awesome!

    1. Thank you. I think spreading the army out on the table is probably the moment we all do this for? It almost doesn't matter how good the painting is when you look at an army this way ;)

  4. Wow, your army is massive! I like your winter theme. It's difficult to pull off - really nice work!

    1. Thanks very much. Winter seems easy - throw snow on everything - but it does take a bit more than that. It came out pretty well, I think I could do better if I did another winter army, but we all learn something from every new project.

  5. Amazing army. full of oldies - and not the best sculpts IMO - which makes the final result even more impressive. And this year, you haven't stolen my color sheme :D

    1. Thanks, they are certainly a mixed bunch but I love them as best as I can. And please pick more inspirational colours again next year, I don't like to think for myself! ;)

  6. Such an army !!! Do they worship the Spider Queen ? Nahh I am sure of that. Beautiful work !!!

    1. Thank you - but actually, they do not. Because I'm arachnophobic! So they worship the Elder Elemental God instead. Which is, unknown to them, actually the ancient chaos entity Tharizdun. Which is the sort of thing you will approve of, no doubt :)

  7. Another outstanding project! I have absolutely loved following this one and really appreciated the AD&D references throughout. The output is seriously impressive too, and finding a shortcut to good effect on the skin tone is a success when facing the OWAC marathon.

    TSR-Hammer? Dungeons and Dragons and Oldhammer? It is definitely a thing to be celebrated and you nailed it! :D

    Also, I vote pre-slotta High Elves!! But I'm biased ;)

    1. Thanks very much. I've always enjoyed D&D and Citadel miniatures hand in hand - my first introduction to the game involved a C01 fighter mini and card floor plans, and the two became indivisible for me (being in the UK, we had limited exposure to the other licensed AD&D mini ranges.) It's really only in the late 90s that Warhammer armies became a part of my life, perhaps because I could finally afford to collect them then.

      This may be my most D&Dish army, but it's also why my Gnolls (or is it Goblins?) are yellow skinned, and why I have another large army of brown-not-green Citadel Orcs

  8. What a swarm of dark elfness! Your output is incredible. Good call on the grey for the movement trays, they look just the job. I would like to cast a vote for Eldar Pirates please :)
    Anyhow, truly monumental effort this year, congratulations!

    1. Cheers, I'm glad you like them. I do like to churn out a lot of units, it's good to end up with a big army. I'll consider your Eldar request but I worry it won't be enough minis to keep me busy for 6 months! ;)

  9. OMG!!!!! So many of them!!!! Brilliant OWAC. Now you have a fantastic Drow army!

    1. Thanks Mariano. Would love to see your take on a few Dark Elves / Drow models one day.


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