Monday, April 29, 2019

Brennan's Slann on a plate! - 213 points for April

It looks like a meal, no?

Well, I thought I would need an easier month somewhere in the mix and this is month that I needed it.  I did the mage priest on on litter and a scout.  This brings the scout unit up to five.  I'm very pleased with how the scouts came out.

It feels like the photos are a little blown out.  I wonder if I used too much light or the black backdrop was too much...

The litter was a bit of a challenge.  I tried a couple of different basing options, but I decided to go for the old, everybody gets their own seat approach.  It allowed the littler to built in the manner that looked most, err, reasonable to me.

There are a lot of different elements that are nice with the litter.  I really like the little pile of grapes(?) at his feet and there is a frog under one of his haunches.  There are some frog legs coming out from underneath one of the pillows.  Lots of little touches like that.

You can kinda see the grapes and a set of frog legs.

Total for April:
LV 15 Wizard on a Litter - 199
1 Scout with poison and shield  - 14

And a nice little work in progress army shot for the road...


  1. That is a really cool model (the litter) I love your army!

  2. The palanquin makes a nice centerpiece for your army.

  3. That wizard will really stand out as the center piece for your army. And I love the free hand on the shield. That is hard to do. Congrats on a good looking army up to this point.

  4. Always fascintaing those Slann! Great job and good looking in the family pict

  5. Love those Slann. I think your camera tried to auto white balance the black to 18% grey. Thus making it look a little blown out.


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