Wednesday, December 18, 2019

ZeroTwentythree's Wood Elf Intro

I'm back again for my second OWAC with more elves. Wood elves this time. They were almost my 2019 choice, but I opted for the sea elves instead. I'm glad I did, although I think they were a little bit harder to get through than the wood elves will be. Except for the ent. He's the "Elf Attack Chariot" for me this year. The old figure that's been hanging around for decades, and I've avoided painting.... ;)

In considering my options for 2020, I had a few potential choices. But the Wood Elves are almost entirely vintage Citadel lead. Some of these were bough by my friends & I when we first got into Warhammer in the late '80s. A lot of them still had paint on them from three of us working on different figures at that time. All the painted figures were "touched up" by me around 5th edition and used in games a handful of times. I sold/traded off a bunch a while ago, but still have enough figures for an OWAC project!

So wood elves it is!

Here's the raw materials.
  • 30 archers. (24 + 6 command figures.)
  • 25 wardancers
  • 10 scouts
  • 1 ent (still needs paint stripped)
  • 1 mage (life elemental figure)
  • 1 mounted standard bearer (maybe)
That's at least 1500 points, so I should be good. Plus possible bonuses. As I learned last year, I'm going to stay flexible and not come up with an immutable plan right away. 
  • Not pictured - woodland spirit dragon (RP/Crucible figure - would probably field it as an ent, just not one in human shape...)
My wish list includes another command set -- standard, musician (the one with the pan pipes), and champion -- and another 6 archers so I could field 30 without command figures. 

My "dreaming" wish list (unlikely stuff) would include animal handlers & shapeshifters, and maybe a few of the old (metal) mounted figures. But I'm not hung up on those.


  1. These are great figs! Is it wood elves vs everyone else this OWAC?

  2. I LOVED your sea elves, so I can't wait for your take on the wood elves.

  3. Nice army. Looking forward to you painting it.

  4. I can’t wait to see what you do Sith these. Great figure selection.

  5. Wood Elves are my great love, and here are among the best models!

  6. Loads of classic models there. Looking forward to seeing them painted!

  7. Your Sea Elves were my top best favourite from OWAC 2019 so I can't wait to see what you do with these!

    Completely agree about the virtues of being flexible with your list :)


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