Monday, January 6, 2020

James (24)’s Chaos Army

I need to get off my ass. That’s reality, no fluff no BS. I have proud legions of lead, plastic and resin warriors strewn about a laughable “hobby room” that looks as though hurricane citadel blew through leaving few survivors.

I have really enjoyed the Old World Army Challenge, looking from the outside in and I’m glad to be a part of it now; I’m hoping it is the impetus needed to get off my ass and get some figs painted.
When considering what to paint I was lost for a while. I was leafing through some old WD’s and fate appears to have a vested interest in Chaos.

I have always loved Fat Bloke’s Beastmen from the OG “Tale of 4 Gamers” and after reading through  the articles for what seems the hundredth time I had made a decision.

I really like the jet black skin tone, it is so unique, menacing and really exemplifies (to me) what a black paint job should look like... BLACK! So often you see an attempted black paint job appear grey  or blue. I’ve never painted over a black undercoat so the challenge seems like a good reason to bite the bullet.
Here’s a smidgen of what I’m working with:

From this pile I’ve drawn up the following for my army (more like a scouting force but I digress) using warhammer armies 3rd edition.
I would like to tackle a larger force, The mighty avenging lord of chaos army list (from the 3rd ed army book) has Beastmen herds of 30 (and a mullet) but I have neither the time or the interest to paint a grand army.

I have a Skaven army skirting 4K points in 3rd edition. Never again. Never forget. The horror, the horror of painting that horde.

I want to keep the force small for the challenge as I’m painting over a black undercoat for the first time, using a colour scheme with no formula and figs that I have not even looked at for 7+ years let alone considered painting. Oh and best of all my toddlers ruined my laptop so I won’t get to upload any decent photographs taken with my SLR; I’ll be documenting my progress using an iPhone, readers will love that! Barf.

I cracked my copy of the 3rd edition rule book (orange book) and saw this crude scrawling from a previous owner:

“Isn’t basic I’m tripping”, That pretty much sums up how I’m feeling right now....

1 comment:

  1. Ha! All the best with the black undercoat, I'm looking forward to seeing what effect it'll have on the finished mini. :)


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