Tuesday, April 28, 2020

JamesG's The Frost Giant's Daughter's Father (200 Points)

April's entry is the short list with the tall guy.  
On paper, he's your every day run of the the mill Warhammer giant, but of course he's got to be a Frost Giant to go with the theme.  To that end he's rocking the Smurf color scheme to give him that hypothermia fashion appeal.  

If you look in the bottom left of the picture you'll see an interesting phenomenon; I woke up this morning and found that the basing substrate had begun to peel up from the base.  That's usually a sign that I've grabbed the kids' ancient PVA instead of the good stuff.  Nothing some super glue won't fix.

I gave myself the personal challenge to go back and try my hand at the ol' Eldar spirit stone technique, which was always a huge pain in the tookus for me.  This is definitely the best I've done on it to date, so  cheers to OWAC for giving me an excuse to get a little better!

April's highly detailed breakdown:

1 Giant: 200 Points.


  1. Great giant and a wonderful match to your force! (Now try 50 or so tiny spirit stones on your average eldar character...)

  2. That's damn good. I have this model and it's been painted 2 or 3 times and I'm still not happy with it. Well done!!

  3. Nice!
    The greens are very convincing! And his eye looks great with the yellow :)

  4. fantastic. Excellent work on the gem (I've never managed it). I also really appreciate the way that the undulating base somehow helps give a sense of scale to the giant, like he's stepping over a hillock almost.

  5. Another very unique addition to a unique force. Good work on the green gems which make the blue seem even bluer!


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