Monday, August 3, 2020

JamesP Final* post (*for this challenge, anyways)

Finished…I can’t be finished; I have more minis to paint!

Congratulations to everyone who completed the OWAC lll. Well done. To Those who fell behind I say try again and keep painting.

This was my first OWAC but hopefully not my last. I found following everyone’s progress inspiring. I personally feel I’m the winner as I have the Empire army I’ve always wanted (well, the first half at least) ready for BOYL.

A hearty thanks to Iannick for all the hard work. Your payment will be posted shortly good sir.

I’ve concentrated mainly on the 3rd Ed. requirements for the first half of force with a couple of additions for flavour. And now for some more storyline…

Von Krueger walked through the camp with a sense of purpose. The dour look on his face shocking his men. Moments after entering the command pavilion a messenger began informing all officers of an emergency meeting along with the request of the entire company to gather.
A hush fell over the men as the officers quietly spoke. After a short discussion von Krueger addressed the Sons.
“The Duke of Margritta is very pleased with our success in stopping the invasion from Cantonia. We have provided the Duke with the time he needed to raise a defence force to bolster the border patrols. Well done men!!” despite the good news the men were still silent. “During our meeting the Duke handed me a letter bearing the seal of Kreutzhofen. My father has informed me of increased Orc activity in the Black Mountains. The green skins have been raiding The Empire and Solland is at risk. The last three years have been very lucrative for us and our victories have made allies here in Estalia and beyond. I’ve had the honour of fighting and living alongside of the finest men Solland has to offer. The time has come for us to return to Solland. We will return to our homes, families and friends. We will drive the green scum back to the dingy holes from which they came.” A raucous cheer raised amongst the men. When order returned von Krueger continued “The Duke has graciously offered one of his ships to carry The Sons up the Black Gulf to Matorea. From there we will follow the Tona Dante to Mortensholm, take the Winters Teeth Pass and arrive home. We leave in three days but tonight we celebrate our victory!!” Again the throng cheered followed by chants of Solland and victory.
Von Krueger returned to his officers to start the preparations.

The Sons of Solland

Dieter von Krueger – General – 104pts
Volker Holdermann - Army Standard Bearer – 144pts

5 Hohensknechtes – 259pts

16 Reiksgard – 255pts
Lead by Archibald von Krueger

15 Helblitzen – 178pts
Lead by Oliver Hetz

15 Helblitzen – 178pts
Lead by Reingard Steitz

10 Armbrustschutzen – 110pts
1 Reiks Kanone Batterien of 2 cannons – 120pts

12 Fleglers - 167pts
Lead by the questionable Heinrich Schultz

 Company banners

The general and army standard leading the Hohensknechtes 

And the family photo

The planning has begun for the second half of my Empire army…


  1. The shields and the banners really make a big difference. Love the strong theme and the yellow and white combo. Bravo!

  2. Wonderfully painted army! It will look so great on the board in a battle! Congratulations!

  3. Wait a minute. Where's the picture with the proud owner of this army?

  4. Yellow and white! Such a brave and strong choice, and it looks magnificent! Congratulations!!

    I also join in the cries:
    "Where is your 'self portrait with army' eh?"

    Either way - top job!

  5. So bright and clean. I love them.

    I also love that they're owned by a ghost. You go, ghost.

  6. Yellow and white are hard colors to paint and you did a very nice job on your Empire with those colors. Awesome job.

  7. Excellent work! Congratulations on completing the challenge!

  8. i can only the sentiments of our fellow OWACers. This army is taken to a higher level again by your superb banners! The army looks fabulous and the banners do what banners should, mark out the units and significant models within the unit. I hope you are very proud of this army - i would be!

  9. Great job! Such an impressive army, and the banners and shields are the icing on the cake.
    Really well executed, with a really nice cohesive colour scheme.

  10. Striking colour scheme, and bonus Oldhammer points for the narratives :)


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