Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Ratwig's OWAC III Dark Elves

Another OWAC down and 1626 more points added to the army, for a total of 4316 from all three OWACs. One more OWAC should complete this army and I can start something different.


For the rank and file, I added additional units of crossbows, warriors and witch elves with another three witch elves to be added to the previous unit from OWAC I.

This OWAC was a bit character heavy as I added a subordinate commander, sorcerer and a mercenary commander with a ninja.

I have added a giant scorpion in each of the first two OWACs and added a further three this OWAC to make my host of bugs legal now at five total. I do love the bugs and here are the three for this challenge:

And then all five together:

The Samurai Mercenaries got their commander and an assassin, but no new troops as I didn't get them done in time. The whole Samurai contingent as it stands now:

The whole army from all three OWACs:

And of course, the army and evil general shot:

And this concludes Ratwig's OWAC III!

Now it's time to powerslam some Jack! See you next time!

Ratwig out


  1. It's really grown into an impressive and eclectic force! The additions of some Nippon is a nice and unique touch on a dark elf army. Congrats on your 3rd OWAC victory!

    1. Thanks much! And I appreciate your hard work running OWAC!

  2. Stamina we can all look up to! Congratulations!
    The scorpions are stand out for me - great work!

    1. There will be more! (Dark Elves and scorpions)

  3. As always, a great force of Dark Elves. Wonder what you will be doing next OWAC, hmmm? And the Crossbow- wow!

    1. I could do at least two more OWAC's painting the Dark Elves I have remaining, so... And the crossbow is fun to shoot.

  4. Great looking army. You are making me want to paint up some Dark Elves for the next OWAC!

    Love the Social D shirt!

    1. Bwaahahahaha! More evil DE's! And Social D is inspirational music to paint by!

  5. lovely army and your 3 installment is an example to us newbies who also harbour a desire to paint an entire army in installments! I too love the Nippons - nice touch and I have to raise a Jack to the general brandishing a very Dark Elf crossbow! Kudos.

    1. Thanks! There will be more! The heavy troops will be added next OWAC, and probably some more Mercenary Nippon troops too.

  6. Cracking third installment to your army!
    The Nippon mercenaries are a nice touch.
    Seeing the whole army together is impressive - proof that perseverance pays off!

    1. I just needed the OWAC's to kick me into painting these figs that have been sitting around for a long time. More will be added next OWAC!

  7. Wait... you mean it's STILL NOT FINISHED! :O

    Also, that is a lot of Giant Scorpions.

    Also, ninjas and samurai FTW!

    Excellent stuff all round :)

  8. I still have approximately 98 foot, 21 mounted , and 1 scorpion (I've done at least one per OWAC so far) left to paint for this army, maybe more if I dig deeper in the lead mountain... Looking forward to next OWAC!


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