Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Skal's 3,080 gems on the Elves, 3,080 gems, take one down pass it around 3,079 gems on the elves! (401 pts)

The host is on the move. Every month is a crazy month when OWAC is around. We subject ourselves too happy little punishments and we enjoy every minute of it. I love painting, I love painting little soldiers, super hero's and I love painting happy little trees.

This month was fun as I have been wanting to paint up the Wraith Guard that I have had for YEARS! I loved the green and white colors of Biel-Tan I did last year so I figured I would keep doing the same. So this month I did two units of five and a Warlock.

So less words and more images.

Here are all ten Wraithguard in all their glory.

To be able to tell the two units apart I decided to do a checkered pattern on one unit of five as a visual way to pick them out on the field of battle.

I thought the Warlock was going to be a break from all the damn gemstones and I was sadly mistaken. In total for the month I painted 3,080 gems. Yeah next month I am going to work on some of my Pirates (Dark Eldar) or vehicles as a break, cause damn those gemstones.

Till next month,
may the paint forever flow
may you drink always stay cold
and may you never run out of things to paint


  1. Really like the layering on the heads, very smooth!

  2. Sorry still not inspred to take mine out of the box, give me more.

  3. Ah the curse of the gem stones! Well done for soldiering through - the results are definitely worth it!

  4. Funny, I have an entire Wraithguard army and I don't remember so many gems. I do on the Farseer council though... I love them, BTW! Team Eldar rocks even when I am not on it!

  5. A bit modern for my liking (!) but they look amazing, well done :)

  6. Very striking unit - they look great! In particular excellent smooth colour transitions on the scorpion green helmets. Well done!

  7. Big models for a big month - nice work!

  8. Very cool set up and awesome green paint jobs - I really like these! :D


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