Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Golgfag1's January contingent - the first batch

Well, January got off the a flying start with me knocking off my initial sploshing of paint to ten original Bloodletters in the first week; these are two part models, which I've glued and pinned in various poses to provide variety to what could be a fairly mono-pose unit, the problem being, when you try to rank them together, which if I do say so myself - appears to work, for now.

What follows are a series of pictures showing the individual figures, where you'll see how I've take the standard poses, and by simply turning and twisting the position of the head and arms to the body they've become individual miniatures.

This little lot will be my submission for the January. But as I got off to such a good start, I've splashed a considerable amount of paint over a whole lot more, over the intervening weeks. As this is supposed to be part of a chaos undivided demon army, the next batch to pass over my palette are Deamonettes, I'm using those designed by Juan Diaz, as they're less bulky that the original crab clawed ones, primarily, because I like the poses and their easier to get hold of, but more importantly - they're slender and compact, which provides more space within units for the larger, more dramatic poses, thus providing a more diverse overall image across the unit. 

Please note there's is no uniform colour scheme for this force, my reasoning for this - this is chaos, I want something that grabs you by the eye sockets and gives you a damned good shake! So, expect even more colour with each month's post. 

There you have it - my submission, my cushion and I'm well on the way to my March and April contingents.


  1. Yes! Colour rocks :) Those bloodletters are creepy sculpts - nice job on altering their poses 🔥🔥

  2. Thanks, wait until you see the rest of them!

  3. Lovely bright colour scheme. I really appreciate the time taken on thinking about (re)posing and how a group of minis are going to look as a unit :)

    1. You'll see, I've had a few failures (experiments) where the figures overhang their bases so much, no amount of tweeking means they have to be placed on the edge of a unit ;),

  4. Both units looking great! Love the chaotic colours!

  5. Always good to see daemons with wild colouring. Great stuff.

  6. Great start! Looking forward to the rest!

  7. Thank you, I'm moving these fairly quickly so this might be sooner than you think!

  8. This is such a creative way to add individuality, really great job!

  9. Thank you, that's what I'm trying for.


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