Sunday, February 19, 2023

Ratwig's February OWAC VI WAB Romano-British Rank and File Entry: Fflamddwn's Saxon Mercenaries, (298 points)

 This month's entry is a twenty four man Saxon Mercenary unit. These are a bit better fighters than the first entry, but they suffer from being impetuous. They are equipped with hand weapon, javelins, throwing spear (+1) and Saxon buckler. Full command of leader, standard bearer and musician are included for a total of 176 points. The whole lot is commanded by Atheling Fflamddwn who has the "Fearsome Blow" character advantage for a total of 122 points. They come in at 298 points total for this submission.

This is the bunch to send in when you want to break things and you don't want your troops to get banged up.

The miniatures are by Gripping Beast and Footsore. Spears and javelins are brass rod, cut to length, pounded flat on the end, filed to spear head shape and glued in place. The unit standard is a GB top with a brass rod pole.

Glad these are done as I have a lot of prep work to do to get next month's entry ready for paint.

But for now it's Jack time!

Ratwig out!


  1. Nice looking unit! The spears make them look like they're running into action!

    1. That is an accurate assessment as they have rules that make them test to charge whenever the enemy is moving close, which can mess up your carefully set up shield wall.

  2. Really liking the grim look of the period, well done

  3. Great job with the spears - there's so many of them!

  4. Home made wire spears - proper wargames modelling! Great unit :)

  5. Great job with such large amount of minis for the shortest month!

  6. A fearsome unit and no mistake - they look very dynamic and dangerous with those spears (fantastic job on those) :D


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