Friday, July 5, 2024

The last but not the least.... Chaos Altar, chariot, and other conforts, Slaaneshchild's Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllld month.

 Tadam !!! Summer is coming ! And with it, the end of the OWAC ! To finish with style and beauty, I needed something really cool. I wanted to make a Chaos Altar / Baggage train.

Center pieces, especially in chaos armies, have always been huge opportunities for kitbashing and painting.

I wanted something big, that I could use in gaming in different ways. I started with a 3Dprinted version of the skaven doom bell, I asked to make it smaller than actual version. I added and old RAFM beast from Cthulhu range, two oldhammer bone champions, et voilà !! 

Rejoice in death for Father Nurgle !!!! 

If I can't play it as a Chaos Altar, I will play it as an hero on chariot pulled by a beast of Nurgle !

Speaking of chariot, I wanted to have a sorcerer lord on chariot. I mixed the horses from the actual range (it is a permanent spell from the ghost army in AoS) with the plague cart. I add the throne of Sauron, a sorcerer and the driver from the RoC chaos chariot.

I love the throne of Sauron. I think I used it maybe 3 times in different conversions. This miniature fits perfectly for Slaanesh, (I see a throne made of living fleeeeeeesh), but not too bad for Nurgle too.

And then... no chaos army is complete without a Chaos Lord on Chaos Steed. So I made one with some bitzs I had.

The horse is from Confrontation, the character is an alternative champion of the Palanquin. I also decided to build a Chaos Spawn from nothing, "just like in the old time" ;)

Finally Graeme send me a beast of Nurgle, so I added a plague bearer on it and now I have a unit of 5 plague riders !!! Thank you !! 

Family picture !!!!! Say Beuuuuuuurg :D

Next month... The entire army !


  1. Wow, there's a lot of excellent conversion work here and so much to love here that I don't know where to start! You have made and excellent run this year and this has been a very interesting project to follow.

  2. Great chariots, I love that re-use of Sauron's throne and the Cthonian looks fantastic as a draught horse. Clever ideas :)


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