Thursday, March 6, 2025

Pablol - Imperial Guard - Month 2 - Rank & File

February was dedicated to refurbishing an old Hellhound. I was planning on also painting some infantry, but I was quite occupied with a big work project most of this month. The tank had some original metal bits, some 3d printed reproduction bits and some bits just missing. The hull had also taken a fair deal of damage. Removing some accessories from the tank also left some marks.
I decided to recast all the small turret bits from milliput so that it would look uniform.
I filled most of the surface damages with milliput and sanded the surfaces with files, sand paper and scalpels.
Some rivets were missing so I made new ones from plasticard.
The turret got new old hatches instead of the original targeting cupola, because I didn't have one and I wanted to add some accessories to the turret. The targeting cupola looks like its a solid lid which would prevent any of the crew members actually getting to the accessories I fitted on the turret.
I had a second round of sanding after the white undercoat.
I tried to paint the Hellhound more or less the same as the Chimera from January.
Hellhound 165pts
Sadly I didn't get any infantry painted this month, but I did work on something else. I wanted to have a photo backdrop so I searched for some inspiration from 2nd edition 40k books and decided to make a neo gothic industrial wall. The main structures are mostly Kapa board and a few different thicknesses of card. I was tempted to add much more detail to these, but I tried to stay true to the 2nd edition esthetic.
I sculpted a bunker style window from which I made plaster casts.
The door is a plaster cast of some 40k terrain I made about a year ago.
Everything just about fit in the group shot. The base is 16" x 16" and it will also double up as a Necropolis28 board.
A lot of photos, but not so much text. Next month I will have to get some infantry painted and my March tank will most likely be a Leman Russ. I hope everyone else had a productive February!

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