Thursday, October 19, 2017

Thomas's High Elfs

G'day M8's airbornegrove26 here for the Old World Army Challenge!

I've been into Oldhammer for 6 years now, and an Oldhammer blogger for 4.  If you want to see how I got in to the hobby you can have a look here.

I was looking for what my next project would be when Iannick suggested this challenge.  Good thing I had a High Elf Army already languishing on the primer shelf. 

I have several 3rd Ed. Armies already.  So I've decide to go with a 4th ed. High Elf Army as a change of pace.  It will be lead by the poncey Lord Teflon from White Dwarf fame.



Lord Teflon- Heavy Armor, Lance Shield, on Pegasus 216

9x Reavers w/ Champion-  243+51

14 Spearmen w/ Champion- 168+48

14 Spearmen w/ Champion- 168+48

9 Archers w. Champion- 117+48

I think I will add the unit names as I get them finished each month.  Feel free to give your name ideas in the comments.  The funnier the better. LOL


  1. Another good looking force. I have a bunch of High Elves, and even briefly considered doing them for this, but they'll have to wait for another time.

    1. One day we can team up with them against the forces of Lopez's Evil Dark Elves!

  2. ...its a bad sign when you have more pains than figures have a paint "problem" hahaha


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