Saturday, October 21, 2017

Blue's (Chris S) Wood Elf Border Patrol

Hi all,

Blue Checking in here...or Chris Facebook insists I be known.  I'm very excited to participating and helping to facilitate the Oldworld Army Challenge...I hope it will be a lot of fun and productive for all the members involved and perhaps inspiring for others to observe our results.

I've been involved with "Oldhammer" since it was just Warhammer...meaning that I'm old and have been playing this silly game since I wasn't!  I purchased my first citadel figures to use as AD&D characters in the late 80's and found WFB 3rd when it was first released...the rest is history.  I played games up through Graduate school and and then took a break from the hobby for about 15 years.  Back in 2010 I decided to sell off the hundreds of figures and books that I have been toting around since grad school and so headed online to figure out prices etc...and what I found was the very first iterations of the "Oldhammer Movement" beginning to form...and suddenly I realized that there were other weird old dudes like myself out there who still loved these miniatures and that it would be foolish to sell my collection...instead I should add to it and start playing again!! lol

....the rest is history.  I started a Blog (Blues Marauding Miniatures) and got involved in the early forums about Oldhammer and then followed the group to FaceBook when that jump was made.

My collection is fairly wide and varied...but my focus has always been on having gameable units...I do not (typically) collect just for completeness...I want functional units that I look forward to getting on a table in the future.  The majority of my collection is focused on Fantasy armies...with Dwarfs being the largest, though I have sizable contingents of greenskins, chaos, empire and bretonnians as well.

But...When Iannick suggest that we take part in a painting challenge with the aim of getting a new force, or portion of a force, on the table by the end...I decided to select Elfs as my subject.  Yes, it is quite a change from my normal painting subjects...and my dwarfs look at me sideways every time they see me messing about with the pointy eared types...but it is hard to argue with the quality of the Jess Goodwin sculpts of the early Wood Elf I'm pressing on with my mission!!

To date I have only painted one single elf figure...but it was painting this spectacular sculpt that convinced me to hunt down an entire armies worth of figures and to tackle them for this challenge.  Back before the first BOYL event...the first real Oldhammer event anywhere...I painted up Glam...the Wardancer Champion from the classic Skarlocs Archers box set and sent him over the pond to participate in the first painting contest associated with BOYL...and while he didn't win anything he started me down the path of collecting an entirely new army.

So...that brings us to the Old World Army Challenge!

My 1000 point army is based around a selection of figures from my, now rather large, Wood Elf collection and is meant to represent a fast, hard hitting but light force of scouts and foresters who are prepared to patrol the fringes of the Wood Elf Realm and report back to the larger and heavier forces of the main army if they encounter any enemy forces beyond their own capabilities.  Therefore this army lacks any Silver Helm Cavalry or heavily armored units of infantry.

Here is my List:

Lvl 10 hero, warhorse

Warrior kinbad with lvl 5 hero (15)

Lords Bowmen with lvl 5 hero (14)

Wood Riders with Long bow (7)

Wardancers (7)

Animal Handler with 6 boars

Total points: 999

This gives me a tidy little force with considerable power and speed...and a good core force to add to when I'm ready to expand it to the next level with some heavier troops.

I may also add a wizard of some sort if time allows.

I'm really looking forward to getting to work on this force.  I've been working hard for the last two weeks to clear the many half done projects that have been lingering on my desk to make space for these guys.  They are pretty much ready to go with everything cleaned and based.  I hope priming can occur in the next couple of days and then I'll be ready to roll on November 1st when the starting gun fires.

Cheers for now!



  1. If they are anything like that painted sample it should be a magnificent force Blue!

    Good luck!!

  2. I have to admit to being tempted by wood elves as well. I'll be keeping an eye on you Blue.

  3. I had forgotten about Glam. Your Wood Elves are going to be beautiful. On a lark I searched for Wood Elves, only Newhammer bullshit available. I am way behind the curve on getting things prepped.

  4. I so love those wardancers. Such great character in the figs. Before I could get anybody to play oldhammer with me I painted up a wood elf army and would only use figs from this and associated ranges... Even though we were playing contemporary hammer... Life without dryads can be hard...


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