In 2013, tow events brought me back to the hobby, first there was the End of times series I heard from some internet rumors. So I began to buy the epub books from the black library and read how finally they were moving the fluff and I loved it… up to the last book that I hated it…as they killed all of the fluff of the old world. At the same time with a friend I played poker regularly, after a game that finished early we found by his place some of his old lotr miniatures and began to play to sbg, and we loved it . So we both ditched poker and began to play it 2-3 times a week. As there were no one else we knew that played we begin to buy more and more miniatures online for the sake of variety. So quickly in 6 month we had all the lotr range! Mostly already bought painted ( at the time we had a rule to only by painted miniatures). But that game had some big flaw he did not scale well, so a game with 200 models per side would take us 13 hours! So then we decided t try the massive games of GW, first we did 40k, and also as we did not knew other people that played in the next 2 years we collected all the WH40k army’s except guard and witch hunters.
Then I got married and moved relatively far from this friend (1 hour drive with no traffic) so began to search for local players too, as I saw there was a lot interest on fantasy I began collecting fantasy armies, and as completionism I was I got them all this year! (90% of them painted and ready to play). But now i am making themed armyes like a midenheim force, or slannesh force etc...
One of the questions I think would be obvious is : why are you interested in this miniatures that are older than you? First I love that the old miniatures got more individuality, you got so many different sculpts for each range it’ll take a lifetime to even collect them all! Second the models are one or 2 pieces, I hate building models and today to put together a space marine you need like 10-12 pieces! Third, I prefer metal models!
The Exiled of Bagio.
The army is completely based on the Old worlder mercenary contingent found in warhammer armies 3rd edition. I liked the idea of having mismatches of different cultures of the old world fighting under one banner. Personally this would be part of my much larger Border princes army, that is more eastern Europe focused that this one that is more tilean.

The list :
1 mercenary general with heavy armor on barder horse ( using bogrio miniature)
8 kislevites druzines with shields and heavy armor. (winged lancers)
5 kislevites druzines with shields and heavy armor. (gryphon legion)
6 estalain horsemans with shields (using al muktar’s they are south estalians…)
12 Estalians gunmen.

6 Estalian villanos. (using 5 estalians and mydas for this)
17 tilean crosbowman with light armor.
12 brigands ( using citizens and peasants for this.)
On points the divisions are easy: one month it’ll be 12 brigands and the general, another the 12 gunmen and 6 estalians, then 17 tileans, 13 druzines, and 6 al muktar’s.
Bagio was the heir of the principality of Miragliano. But after hearing that his brother wanted to kill him he took some of his men (the 17 crossbowmen) and run to the relatively safety of the border princes. There he searched for allies, his first allies were the beggars and simple men of the street that were easily convinced to follow him under the promise to improve their situation (12 brigands). Then as the winter came he saw how fit for the cold temperatures the local kisslevites were and thought that with their help he could launch a surprise attack against his city. After some convincing he got a nice amount of them to follow him.
Finally upon hearing on the expedition a estalian merchant offered Bagio his support in order to get a better access to Miragliano, if they win bringing with him all the estalian forces (including al muktar).
Some lovely and relatively rare models in there. Great stuff!
ReplyDeleteAfter putting together those Conquest Normans I can tell you I agree that metal, one piece, miniatures are preferable. Some excellent looking figures in there. Glad to have you aboard the challenge.
ReplyDeleteDamn Yosef! This just confirms what I have been saying for a while - we need a blog to showcase all your armies!! :D