Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Jeff's Dark Elves - November 199 Pts

First units complete! 2 units  for November; 12 crossbowmen with a standard for 169 points and 2 whelp masters for 30, for a challenge total of 199.  I'd already painted the chaos hounds; they weigh in at 92 points, bringing the total I can put on the table to 291.

The color palette is not typical for me and I found I struggled with it a bit, but I'm pleased with the result in the end.  In addition to pinks, blues and violets, I ended up using a strong yellow green, which I think will feature strongly through the army's Slaneeshi units going forward.

The crossbowmen have a very formal pose, which put me in the mind that they are more accustomed to the courts of the dark elves than the field (with the possible exception of the standard bearer, who looks like he's seen some things.)

I tend to name my units, so this will be the Sybaritic Company of the Lewd Blossoms.
...At least until I find a better name.

The whelp masters are in the same vein color wise, although I've varied the sash color, to stand them apart.

And here's a shot of the whole unit as they'll be fielded.

I fully expect December to be a bit hectic, so I plan to tackle the command models next.

(These guys)


  1. Very cool. The lime green really works.

  2. Oh man are they pastelly!! Slaanesh will be pleased. It's a very different style from what we usually see from Dark Elves, i like it, great start!

  3. Not one, but two Dark Elf armies!? I never would have thought to use such bright colors, they look great. I love the banner too, can't wait to see more.

  4. Thanks. I took my inspitation from an old white dwarf article on the witch elves of Naggaroth, whick discussed the internal conflict between the original elves who followed Slaneesh, the Dru Perim, and those who later came to follow Khaine, the Kyrnaa Khanas. I'm planning to capture this schism in the army, with some units following Slaneesh, and others (especially the witch elves) following Khaine.


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