Thursday, February 28, 2019

Mustafa's Meinolf Fehrenbach’s journal. 33rd of Jahrdrung (265 points)

Another sleepless night plagued by visions that follow no rhyme nor reason. At least this time my surroundings had a semblance of normalcy.

I found myself in the crumbling ruins of a great stone city. The buildings seemed to be manmade, but the rock itself had an unearthly quality to it. All of th e roads and paths were covered in a thick layer of soot.

As I wandered the empty streets I heard heavy footsteps coming towards me. Considering the foul denizens I recorded in my previous journal, you would not think less of me for hiding!

I hid behind a small wall and cautiously peered over the top. In the distance I saw what I thought were men coming towards me, but as they got closer I realised they were to men what a wolf is to a puppy! Each of them was a veritable giant, clad in heavy, green, rust encrusted armour. They marched in a column, chanting in a language I did not understand. Despite the words being alien to me, they caused a nausea the like of which I hope to never again experience.

Leading the way was a man who stood a clear head taller than the others. Unlike his cohorts, he wore no helmet. His visage was far more terrifying than the horned helms the others wore.

As soon as they were out of sight and a safe distance away, I rose from my hiding place. I explored the city some more, but found no other signs of life. Tiredness overcame me so I found a quiet corner to rest and soon fell asleep. I awoke back in my own bed, my feet covered in soot...

  • Chaos Champion with Mark of Nurgle, Chaos Armour, and a shield: 112pts
  • 6 Chaos Warriors, 3 with two handed weapons, 3 with shields: 153pts
Total 265pts

Now, some of the more observant amongst you may have noticed that these are not demons. I am still doing my 1000 points of demons, but I decided to add a little flavour to the mix :)


  1. Those are really sweet looking! Good addition!

    1. Cheers mate :) I was planning on going with all demons, but these lads were making eyes at me from across the painting table.

  2. Good job Mus, those are some creepy looking chaos knights :).

    1. Cheers mucker. ) They’d look even creepier if I could take a proper photo.

  3. Brilliant job Mustafa, that champion is phenomenal

    1. Cheers man.

      I’ve got another Scibor champ to add to the pile :)

  4. Very nice. Cohesive, with a lovely backstory.

    1. Cheers :)
      Took me ages to think of the story this time!

  5. Very nice, nice models and nice paint job

  6. What a brutal looking bunch! I paint job is very effective.

  7. Cool selection of miniatures. Will they be more warriors? The story is sweet as usual.

  8. Nice cohesive paint scheme for a bunch of bad assed dudes!

  9. there's no Chaos without warriors! This is a great addition to your demon army. wonderful job!

  10. Great job on the story Mus. I've not seen these figures before I think, are they on the large side? I couldn't tell without the reference banana.


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