Friday, July 5, 2019

Ben's June Submission (201 points)

Finally. Not really I've got one last figure to finish up for the wrap up post but I imagine we all have delusions of grandeur. This month was spent finishing up some command figures for previous months units.

Red Redemption. I tacked on six more of these guys including a standard bearer. These guys total 77 points.

I chopped up an old Night Horror Medusa to create a musician for the Beastman unit. A measly 26 points but one of my favorites from the challenge.

A couple of last minute additions include a standard bearer for the Beastmen and a Champion for the Marauders. The Champion is 73 points and the standard is 26 totalling 99 points.

The almost complete standard for the above bearer. It's only 13 points so I'm going to go ahead and count it.

I think I squeaked out 201 points for the final month. I'll save all the jabbering for my wrap up post and as always thanks for looking. 


  1. Love the Medusa Musician and the Classic Beastman turned standard bearer :D

  2. Can't beat those chaos champions for nostalgia. They are pretty much all iconic :)
    Great work!

  3. Love the snake dude! Nice banner too

  4. It is everything so slaanehsi! Very good looking units


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