Saturday, February 1, 2020

Kenneth's knights FOR THE LADY! (209 points)

The first month has passed and I'm still up and running. What started as an easy challenge turned out not so easy. I discovered that the horses and the banners takes more time than predicted. But now I know how to do it in a reasonable amount of time.

I started with three characters not only to practice and get the feel of painting cavalry but also January is is like a tarpit with still a lot of family obligations which absorb valuable painting time ;).

Duke Jean-Baptiste Clicquot (103 points)

Baron Gilles de la Tourette (68 points)

Sir Bertrand de l'Escaut (38 points)

Next month will be two more characters. A BSB and a damsel because Februari is a typical mulligan month.


  1. I like the less decorative approach to the horses, shifts the focus back to the knights.

  2. Nice skills with the transfers (at least I think they are transfers!). I remember trying to do them and then always ending up a little skew-whiff or wrinkled.

  3. Love the yellow and black. Yellow is a hard colour to paint well and you're spot on.

  4. Again, simple but very effective colour scheme. I like it very much 👏

  5. Excellent start, great colours- can't wait to see the army grow

  6. Nicely done sir :)

    Also loving the backdrop to the pictures


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